Hello Sweet Friends!
Ready for new week? Oh! This week is full to overflowing. We have some great things on the line-up for this week.
One big change to our schedule from normal–we will not have a Tuesday Talk-a-Latte Chat this week.
Want to know why? Oh–you guys will understand when I tell you! My sweet daughter-in-love, Whitney is now 30 weeks in her pregnancy. She will be having an ultrasound tomorrow and wanted GRAMMY to go with her. Obviously, I am OUT OF HERE tomorrow and I will be there cheering Whitney on AND getting an awesome sneak-peek at my beloved GRAND. We will take a break from our regular Tuesday Talk-a-Latte Chat and be back on schedule next week. And, YES! I will post details on Facebook and Twitter about my treat tomorrow. Deal? 🙂
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We do have other things going on. Let me give you links so you can check out everything. You will LOVE IT!
NEW Time for Tea eMagazine Online!
NEW Homeschooling the Easy Way eMagazine Online!
NEW Show from Our Mom-to-Mom Radio is Online!
TOPIC: Let’s Talk about FuzziBunz!
NEW Mommy Homework is Online!
TOPIC: Parenting the Parent
Time to Subscribe to our Talk-a-Latte Mommy Club!
Subscribe now and get access to our last audio set on Breaking Free from People Pleasing AND be ready for our next set that is due out VERY SOON!
Plus! Don’t forget! Our last few Talk-a-Latte chats are online and available for replay at: www.Talk-a-Latte.com (Just click the drop down on the audio player to choose the session then, press play–you can listen to them at your convenience!)
Grab a big cup of tea and plan to check out our sites. There are lots of goodies there AND MORE coming! They are ready just for you. See ya there!
With much love,
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