Hey There Mommy Pals!
WAY too long since our last ezine! I have missed you gobs and gobs!
We have had so much go on since the last ezine—Matthew graduated from Bootcamp AND Jump School…Elisabeth graduated from High School and bought her first car…we adopted two new Shih Tzu puppies who have weezled their way into my heart…and so many other things. Can I say life-changes? Well, I am sure you have had your own life-changes in the past few weeks. Whether we realize it or not, we are always in the midst of growth and change. Well, yes, SOME of it takes a little more “getting accustomed to,” if you know what I mean.
That brings me to my special treat this issue! Our download is just phenomenal! My friend Kathy Butryn wrote an article entitled, A New Kind of Normal, and even recorded it on audio (which I love, love, love!). They have both soooo spoken to my heart during this time of change in my life. It was such a blessing to me that I asked her if we could use it for our Time for Tea this week. Guess what she said??? Yep! She said “YES!” But, more than that. She also gave a bonus gift that you will have to find in our download. It is an audio that is a must as well! It is called, Embracing How God Made You. Talk about WOW! WOW! WOW! I am so excited that I just cannot wait for all of you to enjoy these goodies. Well, let’s get to it…
Here is the link to the download:
Download Here
(Download now, if this link is found after July 12, it is no longer available. Be sure to sign up for our ezines to get great articles like this)
Here is the link to the audio version of the article (download both!!):
Also, if you love these goodies, you MUST join us this weekend in the Talk-a-Latte Conference Room. Kathy will be teaching her new workshop, Making the Connection in our conference room. You can join us FREE or you can purchase tickets to download the set after this weekend (in about a week). Check out the details at this link:
Just look for me in the Conference Room getting to ATTEND! Ha! I can’t wait! I see how fun it is for all of you!
Love ya!
Homeschooling? Make this year the best year yet!
It is NOT too late! Grab your ticket before July 1st and get the same price on the set!