Stuck? Been stuck for far too long? Overthinking while others are taking action? Seeing others moving forward, getting things done, and getting ahead–and leaving you in the dust??? Not taking action and have no idea why you can’t get moving? Have you just about given up? Does time just keep running … [Read more...] about Recording LIVE Monday Night–Get Your Business UNSTUCK!
Writer's Nook
Moving Into a Big Week!
Hello Sweet Friend! Ready for a big week? I am! Today in church we had our last day in the current building. We will be moving for this coming week. I love what the pastor said as he talked about getting ready to MOVE. Well, my church is not the only thing MOVING. We are moving out strong around … [Read more...] about Moving Into a Big Week!
A Peek Into Our Week….
Hello Sweet Friends! How is your week going? Kicking it off with a bang? Oh! I AM! We have a lot of fun things going on. I want to just quickly connect you with all that I have going on. You will love it! Mommy Homework is UP! Each week, we have a fun topic of discussion on my blog. We call … [Read more...] about A Peek Into Our Week….
My Calendar – July 18-22
Hello Dearies! How was your weekend, sweet friend? Mine was sooo nice! We have been in Nashville all weekend--Harold registers for Law School tomorrow. We have just enjoyed our little getaway apartment here SOOoooo much! In fact, I have used this weekend to get geared up … [Read more...] about My Calendar – July 18-22
Kicking Off a Fun Week–Join Me!
Hello Sweet Friends! Happy 4th of July! How has your long-weekend been? Oh! Mine was such a blast! And, it is the perfect kick-off for a really fun week ahead. Why not plan to join me for some mom-time? Here is what I have going on this week.... Mom-to-Mom Radio Show Time for … [Read more...] about Kicking Off a Fun Week–Join Me!
Big Week Ahead! Join Me!
Hello dearies! Did you have a strong start for your week today? Oh! I kinda feel like I have been juggling--in a SUPER way, of course! Today, I got TONS done: --> Worked on the NEW Talk-a-Latte Mommy Club set--Don't miss it! The topic this month is GET UNSTUCK. I must say--"WOW!!" … [Read more...] about Big Week Ahead! Join Me!
On the See-Saw….
Good afternoon sweet friends! Did you have a super weekend? I pray so! I had a see-saw weekend. It was very good and very scary! That is what this email is all about. :) My sweetheart had a crazy thing happen Friday night. I just got out of the doctor's office and we have no idea still what … [Read more...] about On the See-Saw….
Mother’s Day, Quiet Week, and UHSE 2010
Hello Sweet Friends! How was your weekend? Mine was so sweet. I had all of my children home to visit. It was so nice to have everyone around for Mother's Day. Such a blessing! I can hardly believe that NEXT Mother's Day I will be SEEING my first GRAND-baby with us. Yes--he is growing sooo fast … [Read more...] about Mother’s Day, Quiet Week, and UHSE 2010