Hey There Dearies!
I am taking a moment away from editing and working on our last Talk-a-Latte Seminar AND putting the finishing details on our entire Fall line-up to just squeal A BIT about our Fall Talk-a-Latte Seminars. I think that these are the very best EVER! I just wanted to give you a quick peek at them:
Coming Soon…Our NEW Talk-a-Latte Fall Line-up:
- September 12-13–A Simple Journey to Debt Free Living
- October 10-11–Training Sons…Training Daughters
- November 7-8–Let’s Make a Memory
- December 12-13–A Crash Course on Spiritual Warfare!
- PLUS! Our first students class! Creation Science Class with Felice Gerwitz
Isn’t that FUN? Well, mark your calendars. I will post more details very soon!
Have a super weekend!
Love ya tons! Cindy