Wondering what Mommy Homework is???
Each week you will have an “assignment” here to share in our comments here on this site. You will love this-both sharing AND enjoying answers by others. Some of them, I compile into an ebook (contributors can resell as a product of their own–be sure to submit your email and full name when you register so I can credit you appropriately!).
The result is AWESOME!
We get to know each other…we are encouraged in our journey…and we glean super ideas from other great moms!
Ready for this week’s MH? This is going to be a FUN topic!
I LOVE great books! I try to treat myself to several types of books at all times:
- My Bible
- A good devotional
- A good fiction story
- A good how-to on something I want to learn
Some of my best “finds” have been through my mommy pals. Soooo, I thought that this might be a fun week to share what YOU are reading and see what others are reading. So, just share what you are reading, why you chose it, and how you like it. I can’t wait to read these!
Just jump in and share today! OH! And, don’t forget to come back and enjoy all of the other posts this week! I think this is going to be GOOD!
PS! Please remember to use your real name if you want credit for your Mommy Homework Credit.
PPS! You CAN just share and not participate in Mommy Homework, BUT I would LOVE for you to get some goodies along the way!
PPSS! Want to check your credit? Here is the newest update: http://www.talk-a-latte.com/ebooks/MommyHomeworkCredits.pdf
PPPSS! If you are new, all you do to share your MH is first register (see the link on the bottom of the page–scroll all the way to the very bottom), then log in with your name and password that you select. Share away!
PPPSSS! Want to redeem your credit? Read our instructions here:http://www.cindysdesktop.com/?cat=81
Deadline–Friday at midnight CST.
Right now, I’m reading The Ten-Second Rule by Clare De Graaf . . . I received it as a gift and it’s speaking to me about not being religious about my faith – rather to focus on doing what God speaks to me when He speaks it.
Let’s see… my Bible, a new serious called AD Chronicles, Classroom Blogging by Warlick, The 9 day liver Detox by Patrick Holford, The Cause within you by Matthew Barnett, Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyers
So many books, never enough time. 🙂
I am reading:
Promised to Me by Robin Lee Hatcher
Small Steps for Catholic Moms by Bean and Foss
a host of how to homeschool books and online material
Also reading the Proverbs this week with my oldest son. He is using them for copywork. We read them and decide if there is a lesson HE can gain from that Proverb. I have found that I am learning many, many lessons from them as well.
Garden of Virtues by Keffler and Donnelli – I’m trying to come up with a good plan for teaching the kids virtues.
Well the book I recently read is titled Real Marriage By Mark&Grace Driscoll.The reason behind choosing it is a kind of boring one I had to do a review on it. But it was an interesting read. It basically talks about marriage in a way that i have never heard a minister speak about marriage. It is not sugar coated in the least and I believe it addresses just about everything you could possibly imagine that falls under the category of marriage. It even had questions about things that were acceptable in God’s eyes. Very interesting read so I gave it 5 stars.LOL
Great topic! I’m currently reading Winston Churchill’s The Second World War, Vol. 1: The Gathering Storm. Its so good! Churchill has a one of a kind perspective on events leading up to the start of the war, what could have been done to help avoid it, the politics of the time, etc. Its a long, meaty read but very well outlined. I was fortunate to find a first edition copy at our library so its an extra special book to me right now.
The book I was reading before Churchill’s The Gathering Storm was a book by Bodie and Brock Thoene with the same title- The Gathering Storm. They write excellent christian, historical fiction that is sometimes used in colleges as the WWII era is studied. The events in their book led me to want to read more. Hence, Churchill’s book.
How funny you should ask that question THIS week! I’ve intentionally sat down to read several things this week – things that have just been sitting around waiting for me to read them!
I have been reading my 2012 Bible readings in my new The Names of God Bible. LOVE it. I LOVE knowing the different names for God, what they mean and WHY they are so meaningful!
I am continuing to read A Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. Wow – is it deep. Can’t complain much when I focus on being thankful…
I started and finished Highland Blessings, by Jennifer Hudson Taylor, a Christian fiction set in Scotland. I love all things Scottish.
I read another section in Hope for the Weary Mom by Brooke McGlothlin – and I started reading Don’t Make Me Come Up There! by Kristen Welch on my Kindle – wow do I need to read both of them! Good medicine for my weary-mom soul!
It has been AWESOME to sit and drink a cup of tea while reading a book and rocking my baby. =)
Are you reading anything Cindy, or are you fishing for something good? LOL
{I want to recommend a GREAT fiction read called Love Amid the Ashes by Mesu Andrews. A fictionalized account of Job and Dinah (Jacob’s daughter). It is one of the best reads I had the joy of reading in 2011. She is writing her 2nd book now and I’m on pins & needles waiting for it.}
Those are the things I’m reading this week.
I have an ‘upstairs book’ and a ‘downstairs book’- (never know when I might be able to sneak in a few minutes of reading). My current upstairs book is “Money Saving Mom’s Budget” by Crystal Paine. I enjoy reading the articles she writes and presents on her website and so far her book proves to be just as enjoyable. My current downstairs book is “9Thins You Simply MUST DO” by Dr. Henry Cloud. This book came from one of my husband’s recent Seminary classes; my husband greatly enjoyed it and knew that I would too. Both books are excellent !
The Bible, Raising Real Men( a real gem), Homeschooling Techniques by Lorraine Curry(in fact the whole series), too many other articles and ebooks parts of which are printed out and moved into my binder.
Nothing else that I can remember, oh maybe some Talk a Latte articles online! Ha ha ha…..
Right now I am working on “The Love Dare” book by Stephen & Alex Kendrick. This is my second time to go through this book. It is an awesome book for any couple to work through no matter what your marriage is like.
I love to read and I’m looking forward to getting in to more books through the year.
Orilla Crider
Confession of the honest. I’m reading Saxon Math grades 1,3(twice 2 kids), 54 and Algebra 1. World History, Pathway Reader for 4 kids, God’s Language C, Langauge 3, The Tempest, Observing God’s World, Our Father’s World, Exploring God’s Creation… and so on.. nothing but school. currently tired of it
all. Getting ready for another deployment that seems to be off again and on again. Trying to keep above the water.
I feel like I’m as resistant as the kids are. UGH.
meadowlark Reply:
January 13th, 2012 at 7:31 pm
oops.. Mommyhomework.. Kathryn W
My goal this year is to establish a habit of reading.
For now “Desiring God” by John Piper.
” How to read a book” by Mortimer Adler
I didn’t grow up in the ideal environment that encourages reading, specially in the third world country where to be able to get a good book not just book but a very good is considered a luxury. Books are expensive unlike here in america you can buy new or used books anywhere at a cheaper price.
Thank God, He allowed me to have this opportunity to do so now.
I started this week reading Gensis in the Bible. I am reading a million little pieces by James Frey. I am reading a christian’s Family guide to oranizing your life. I am also reading many children’s books a week to my 4 year year old.
I’ve made it a bit of a plan to read more purposefully this year too. I used to read a LOT but when I started teaching made it a policy that I didn’t read fiction during the term. When I had kids and started home educating I kept the policy but it seems to have become fiction and non-fiction in reality. So I have started this year reading “The God who is there” by Frank Schaeffer. It is really intellectual and, after a week speaking at a girl’s camp I have found some of it quite tough going, but lots of very interesting ideas on the nature of truth and society’s view on the existence of God. I have also read “practical Theology For Women” by Wendy Alsop. Really enjoyed it and a book which would be worthwhile going through with older teen daughters. Not academic at all and really practical applications of the way Knowing God (Theology) will make a real difference in our lives. I’m looking forward to reading more this year.
I’m always reading; sometimes fluff and sometimes meaningful. I read quickly so I usually have several books going at once.
Besides my Bible, I’m reading Bearing Thorough Witness, a verse by verse discussion of Acts of the Apostles, The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson, Tracie Peterson’s Alaska series, and waiting for my last Debbie Macomber Cedar Cove book to come in the mail. I also enjoyed the Elm Creek Quilters series by Jennifer Chiaverini and the Hannah Swenson mysteries by Joanne Fluke (they include recipes!)
Plus, I’m always reading cookbooks and magazines for ideas for my site and for fun :o)