Ladies, I will never be able to repay each of you for the things shared this weekend on the Training Sons Training Daughters Seminar. As I shared with someone earlier I don’t think I have ever had so many emotions flying around at one time. When I left Saturday evening to spend time with dh, everything was just wraping up and I was tired. A good tired, you know that one after a good honest days work, or a day with tissues and an old movie? I slept better than I have in a long time. I laughed, I cried, I choked on my drink, I spewed mashed taters all over my laptop screen (thanks Robyn & Shani), I was stretched beyond measure, but it was one of those “real good, after a hard work-out” stretches. But most of all, I have a new humble admiration for all of my Talk-A-Latte sisters, the fact that you opened up and shared with me, well I am honored. I think I finally understand strength in numbers, I not only no longer feel so alone, or should I say lonely, in this big world, but I feel like I am part of a 3-fold cord, crocheted (or knitted for those who can work those things) together and woven into a beautiful garment. I laughed until I cried, and then I cried unti I laughed, someone suggested we put depends on the list of things to bring next time, I may just have to do that, and a heating pad for the sore sides from laughing, oh and a protective screen for my laptop, you ever had to scrape yesterday’s mashed taters off one????
Love ya’ll
Valerie N.
Amen to everything you had to say, well minus the spewed taters! I had such an amazing and wonderful time at the TAL! It was so neat to gain some ideas and thoughts from homeschool mamas! What a blessing!
I really can’t agree with you more!
Miss Amanda