Take a scan through the Bible. You can begin anywhere.
Look at the conversations of God with people. He is always introducing them to Who He wants to be or what He wants to become for them. It’s all in His personal and corporate names He gives us. They declare to us Who He is, how He works, what He can and will do for us, and a personal covenant to be all that for us in our crisis moment.
It’s not based on our works—good or bad.
Just look at the men and women in Scripture—none deserved His love. None deserved His healing, provision, protection, relationship. But God!!!
It’s His character.
It’s His delight.
It’s His way of making up to you the ramifications of sin and death that results from the fall.
It’s His way of bringing His kingdom back to the earth to the people who still forsake Him and pursue their provision, protection, health, and wealth from anything except Him.
I see people doing this right now—looking for doctors or the government or the military to be or become what only God can be or become.
God daily floods us with all of His benefits.
Respiratory sickness? He is the BREATH of life.
Kidney stones? What’s got you stuck? What’s needed to get you moving again?
Heart diseases or heart problems? He can cleanse your heart…heal your heart…or give you a new heart!
Blind? Only He can help you really see!
Death? He messed up every funeral He went to and guarantees resurrections day eternity in heaven with Him.
He IS.
He wants to BE and BECOME what you need TODAY.
It’s your inheritance that has been secured and written clearly in His final Will and Testament (Bible).
It’s yours. Soak that in. It’s more real than the money in your checkbook. It’s more real than any possession you value.
It’s yours. It’s yours today and forever. Christ died to give it you.
Grasp on to ALL Christ died to give you. Access it! Grasp on until it is fully manifested in your everyday life.
If there is something you need to do, hear Him. Do it! Do what activates your faith!
If it’s rest, stop now and rest in soaking music. If it’s go to a doctor, go. If it’s grab mud and spread it on your eyes, fo it!
Whatever activates your faith.
Whatever requires you to stretch and get rid of the real open door to your heart illness.
Whatever gives you real victory.
Whatever gives you a story of God’s character and faithfulness.
Today, what is God waiting to do in your life? Why is He allowing this? Is it a physical picture of an inward need? What story is He writing in your life?
Press in. I declare that Jehovah is your Great I Am.
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