Join Cindy Rushton for a few minutes mom-to-mom as she shares her heart. Want to know how to reach for that impossible dream? Want to reach toward those resolutions that are on your list year-after-year-after-year? Don't miss this quick word heart-to-heart! … [Read more...] about The Dream Comes to Pass…
Getting Fit and Healthy
Perks to Getting Fit and Healthy by Cindy Rushton
Some of you have been following my journey this year toward getting fit and healthy. I am proud to report that as of today, I am down 66lbs, 4 sizes, AND even 20 points on top and bottom for my blood pressure! Hoot! If you are just coming into this journey with me, it all began with the same old, … [Read more...] about Perks to Getting Fit and Healthy by Cindy Rushton