I want to order your set this week for $49.95 but I have dial – up and I’m concerned that I may have a hard time downloading some of the info. Do you offer it on CD? And if so, how can I place a order for that?
I was very excited to see that you had offered it 1/2 off this week. I wanted to get it before but could not afford it. I hope you respond before the sale is over.
Blessings, Tracy
Thanks so much! Super question.
I have dial-up too. I really try hard to make everything that I do accessible for dial-up first, then the other types of service have no problem.
It is not as easy as with high speed, but it is very doable. If you can give your computer time to download, you should have no problem. It will probably take 1 1/2-2 hours for each audio download using dial-up. The e-books are already divided into sections. They download by dial-up in less than a minute per section. You can also take a back-up drive to your local library and download there even faster and simply transfer them into your computer. Those are very reasonable now. I have a huge 500GIG drive that I paid only $99.95 for it. I also have several that hold 250GIG that were around $50 or less. The price is even better on smaller drives. I use mine like crazy to keep my computer clean and organized, but I also love to use it to save information from one of our computers to another. Those would work great for you to pop into your purse and carry to the library or to a friend’s house.
Now, DO KNOW there are A LOT of resources in this special offer. But, they are there to bless you, not to frustrate you. I would recommend downloading the resource that can help you with your greatest need first, then work through them that way. We also have RSS feed. That helps you to download as you want and keep up even more easily with what is yet to be downloaded—the audios show in a lighter color and have a button that says GET next to them. It is very nice.
We do not have any of our resources available by regular mail. My son used to help me with the physical products, but he now lives in NC at Ft. Bragg. He is in the Army. I don’t even have time to publish products much less mail them. Just a different season.
Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, just ask away!
PS…Want to test to see how everything works? Use our SAMPLE TALK-A-LATTE page. You can test your computer and internet service. PLUS! You get some sweet goodies there too!
I purchased the Ultimate Homeschool Expo several months ago, and have enjoyed the podcasts immensely, however I was curious how to enter the membership site and have access to everything now. I don’t have the e-mail that got me into the UHSE when it happened, and wanted to continue to enjoy the downloads, etc…
Sarah Dugger