Dear Cindy,
I saved an article you wrote some time ago about making Timeline Notebooks. We are finally going to make ours. In the article, you mentioned a blank timeline page on your website that could be printed. I can’t seem to get to it now. Does that page still exist? If so, could you tell me how to find it? Thank you!
Thanks for your email. I am happy to help.
That page is a link in the back of my eBook, LET’S MAKE A HISTORY TIMELINE NOTEBOOK. If you have that eBook, just look for it under the links. If you don’t, you can get that eBook completely free by subscribing to my HOMESCHOOLING THE EASY WAY eMAGAZINE. You can do that at this link:
Or, you can grab it in our shopping cart that can be found at:
Here is the direct link to the eBooks page:
Oh! BTW, if you end up purchasing through our eStore, we have a coupon for 50% off any purchase. Just use this coupon code: family
Hope this helps! Have fun! Our History Timeline Notebooks are treasures now that my children are grown. You will cherish them forever!
Have a great day!
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