Wondering what Mommy Homework is???
Each week you will have an “assignment” here to share in our comments here on this site. You will love this-both sharing AND enjoying answers by others. Some of them, I compile into an ebook (contributors can resell as a product of their own–be sure to submit your email and full name when you register so I can credit you appropriately!).
The result is AWESOME!
We get to know each other…we are encouraged in our journey…and we glean super ideas from other great moms!
Ready for this week’s MH? This is going to be a FUN topic!
This week, let’s share a peek into your Christmas Traditions. I love nothing more than the sweet memories of amazing traditions that go back as far as I can remember. They make me, ME. They make my home-HOME.
What are some of your special Christmas traditions? How far back do they go? How are you bringing them into your home this season?
Give us a peek into your traditions. Just jump in and share today! OH! And, don’t forget to come back and enjoy all of the other mom-to-mom traditions this week! I think this is going to be GOOD!
PS! Please remember to use your real name if you want credit for your Mommy Homework Credit.
PPS! You CAN just share and not participate in Mommy Homework, BUT I would LOVE for you to get some goodies along the way!
PPSS! Want to check your credit? Here is the newest update: http://www.talk-a-latte.com/ebooks/MommyHomeworkCredits.pdf
PPPSS! If you are new, all you do to share your MH is first register (see the link on the bottom of the page–scroll all the way to the very bottom), then log in with your name and password that you select. Share away!
PPPSSS! Want to redeem your credit? Read our instructions here:http://www.cindysdesktop.com/?cat=81
Deadline–Friday at midnight CST.
Hi Cindy! 🙂
I think our family’s traditions are pretty typical but I’ll share anyway just for fun! We put up the tree and Christmas decorations the Friday after Thanksgiving every year. We start listening to Christmas music in October (ok-maybe this one’s not typical. ;-). We stay up late all month to watch Christmas movies and eat too much popcorn. The kids always get to open one present on Christmas Eve and it’s always pajamas.
I buy each of my children a classic hardback book and write a special note on the inside as one of their Christmas presents every year. That way they’ll have a nice little collection when they reach adult hood and each one will be special because of the handwritten note from mama on the inside. I still have the hardback classics that my parents gave to me as a child and I’ve read them to my children. I hope to read them to my grandchildren and maybe even my great grandchildren one day. After we have our family Christmas celebration on Christmas morning, we head over to my in laws to share gifts and a special breakfast.
My mother in law buys a great family movie for us every year so that we can chill out and snuggle up together on Christmas night after all the hustle and bustle of the season. A friend of mine does a scavenger hunt every year and her kids have to follow the clues to find their big presents. We did that one year too and it was a lot of fun but is not something we’ve stuck with every year. We spend the day before Christmas Eve baking enough cookies to feed an army and then we carry them around to all the neighbors.
And last, but far from least, we read the Christmas story every Christmas Eve together.
Thanks so much Cindy! I can’t wait to read about everyone else’s traditions!
Christmas is usually such a busy time of year. Over the past 10 years or so I would bake biscotti (almond and chocolate brownie) and package them up nicely and then on Christmas Eve my husband, children and I would go to our neighbor’s and deliver our goodies. We are almost always invited in to share in a drink and spend time a little bit of time with them. It’s become such a sweet time and has really fostered meaningful friendships with them and a wonderful opportunity to share the love of Christ. This year I’m teaching my 14yo daughter how to make the biscotti. We alternate years with each side of our families so we never have a real tradition there but I just always look forward to Christmas Eve when we are at home, minister to our neighbors, spend time as a family worshiping and singing Christmas carols. Merry Christmas everyone.