Wondering what Mommy Homework is???
Each week you will have an “assignment” here to share in our comments here on this site. You will love this-both sharing AND enjoying answers by others. Some of them, I compile into an ebook (contributors can resell as a product of their own–be sure to submit your email and full name when you register so I can credit you appropriately!).
The result is AWESOME!
We get to know each other…we are encouraged in our journey…and we glean super ideas from other great moms!
Ready for this week’s MH? This is going to be a FUN topic!
Our topic this week is “HINT! Making Mother’s Day SUPER Special!”
Mother’s Day is this coming weekend. This year, I am blessed to celebrate Mother’s Day with my Mom, my Mom-in-Love, step-mom, my daughter-in-love, and our family’s NEWEST mom-to-be, my precious daughter, Elisabeth. Such a special time!
Some of my earliest memories were of my mom standing up and being noticed on Mother’s Day at church. I remember thinking, “OH! One day that will be ME!” My first Mother’s Day was with Matthew in my womb. It was such a special time. It was the beginning of my dream-come-true. Of course, there have been some tough Mother’s Days–when I was dealing with losses of my babies, when Matthew was in Army Bootcamp, and when my son and future son-in-love were both deployed overseas at the same time.
I don’t know what Mother’s Day represents to you. I don’t know if it is a time of sweet celebration or a very difficult time for you. BUT! This year, let’s have some fun with our Mommy Homework. Deal?
This week, let’s help our guys (and little ones) make this weekend very special for us. Wonder how? Let’s chat and share ideas for things that could make Mother’s Day very special for each of us. THEN, pray about what your sweet family could do this weekend to really communicate how precious you are to them. Ready? Let’s do it! Jump in and share….
Ready? Dig in!
PS! Please remember to use your real name if you want credit for your Mommy Homework Credit.
PPS! You CAN just share and not participate in Mommy Homework, BUT I would LOVE for you to get some goodies along the way!
PPSS! Want to check your credit? Here is the newest update: http://www.talk-a-latte.com/ebooks/MommyHomeworkCredits.pdf
PPPSS! If you are new, all you do to share your MH is first register (see the link on the bottom of the page–scroll all the way to the very bottom), then log in with your name and password that you select. Share away!
PPPSSS! Want to redeem your credit? Read our instructions here:http://www.cindysdesktop.com/?cat=81
Deadline–Friday at midnight CST.
Well last year (or maybe it was the year before) my husband wrote a list of what my kids said they appreciated about me. (It’s on my bathroom cabinet (with all the other things I want to meditate on). It was all specific things I do and that wouldn’t happen without me. It was not real long or anything, but made me feel very valued. 🙂 It’s one of my treasures.
Mother’s Day has never quite lived up to the idea that I had in my head before I had children. Sadly since becoming a mom I have never lived close to my parents or my husband’s parents. So Mother’s day has always been cards and calls. My husband tries but it really ends up just being another Sunday only with a few cards and I get to pick the place to eat. I am not even really sure anymore what I had hoped it would be like. Today, I would just love for it to be a day where my girls all get along nicely and I did not have to discipline them at all. Just for those 14 hours they are awake. Is that crazy?! Really though I will just settle for a day where I can rest a little more than I do on other Sundays.
Heather Wilson
Mother’s day is a very special time. Each year my sisters, brother and I take our Mom out for lunch on the Saturday before Mother’s day to celebrate her. On Mother’s day my husband and children usually take care of me by not letting me do much of anything around the house. I get lots of hugs and kisses from my 4 children even though 2 are teens and 1 is quickly becoming one. We’ll go to church then order lunch. Typically Mother’s day is the day I get flowers for the yard and plant! That’s what I love to do. For dinner we’ll usually cook out on the grill, if the whether is nice. I really just like the day to be relaxing and to be able to enjoy my children. After all, they are the reason I can celebrate Mother’s day. Happy Mother’s day to you Cindy and to all of your readers. <3
I think what comes first to my mind is a long nap! I would love to hear some words of encouragement from my husband and older children…hugs and kisses from the little ones! Maybe if they wrote a letter or wrote in a card how they felt about me or what I do that blesses them…then I could pull it out and read it on the hard days! 🙂
I just saw the email to link to here to post something. For many years I have not been with the Mum for Mother’s Day. My Mum celebrates Mother’s Day in March int he United Kingdom now where she lives. I still talk to her on that special day (in May) and remind her of all our blessings we have as a family even though we are all so far apart. We had an amazing ‘growing up time’ and were blessed to live in Africa where there is so much freedom where we lived.
I always remember making a card or finding flowers or something special for her when we lived in the same home. I have sent cards over the years too. My favorite part about my Mum is giving her her surprise 50th birthday party. It was so hard to keep a surprise. I invited all the guests and had my Dad get some drinks organized and each guest was bringing over some food for the party. On the morning of the party she woke up and I said you had better get up and get ready for 50 people are coming for lunch today. She had a suspicion something was up but had no clue what. she loved it and still remembers it to this day.
I love my Mum even though for many years she was not a believer and did not live right before the Lord. She is my Mum and always will be. She has lost my Daddy but is happily married a second time to a widower and they make a happy pair!
My time as a Mum has been challenging and changing due to illness in our family. I will love my boys always and love being their Mom. It has been so difficult loving them through illness, and lack of time to be there for them, but we have survived and they know I love and care for them lots. I do not get much Mommy quiet time but we will make it.
Thanks for allowing me to share- not so comical and fun but real ! I hope one day if Jesus tarries that my boys will give me a surprise 50th birthday party too!
Cindy, I just saw this. Today has mixed emotions for me. For several years I would wake up on Mother’s Day and cry because I felt so unfit to be a Mother because God seemed to call each one of my babies home. Then 15 yrs ago we adopted our son, then when our dd was 2 1/2 we had to give him over to the state for a time. We were joined with another ds of our own and then 3 yrs ago God made our family complete again with bringing our whole family (now 5 of us) back together.
Today I have been so sick that things didn’t work out for my dh as he had planned. But my biggest desire is to be able to have the WHOLE family together for Mother’s Day. I also pray that both my parents and my dh’s will sometime accept me and my family as apart of theirs. It is so hard to be not included and loved by the family because of feelings they have towards our oldest and because “I stole their baby when they wanted him to stay single”.
Yes, I love to be coddled by my family but just being together means so much to this Mommy!!!! My arms were so empty for years and I want them full to over flowing now. I can NOT have anymore children but God is blessing our family with a 6th god-child around Thanksgiving time and we are so thrilled. God took 5 babies home to be with Him and He gave us 5 and soon to be 6 god-children.
So, for me, my Mother’s Day would be tops if I could have all my children with me. But today I heard from my oldest ds (23) and have my other 2 with me.
Orilla Crider
We don’t do Mother’s day, but I always tell my son that it is more important to be loving, obedient, and respectful ALL of the time, instead of just putting on a show for a few hours or a day that is mandated. I enjoy when he spontaneously decides to take me to lunch because he got paid, or he does something nice for my mother without wanting something in return (he occasionally does things to butter her up when he needs a ride somewhere :o). I appreciate that more than someone going through the motions because of a day on the calendar.
Davette Brown