Wondering what Mommy Homework is???
Each week you will have an “assignment” here to share in our comments here on this site. You will love this-both sharing AND enjoying answers by others. Some of them, I compile into an ebook (contributors can resell as a product of their own–be sure to submit your email and full name when you register so I can credit you appropriately!).
The result is AWESOME!
We get to know each other…we are encouraged in our journey…and we glean super ideas from other great moms!
Ready for this week’s MH? This is going to be a FUN topic!
Our topic this week is “Re-Charge!”
Next weekend, I will be teaching a retreat on the topic of “Re-charge!” My brain is just on overload with ideas that I am excited to share. Of course, this is SLIGHTLY all that I have on my brain. I think that this will be a super topic for our Mommy Homework this week.
Running on empty? Batteries zapped? Or, totally crashed? Is it time to RE-CHARGE?
Let’s find the first key to living a life that operates on overflow. This week, let’s look at why we get zapped and what typically drains us. Next week, we will share ideas for plugging in and re-charging. And, of course, I have a surprise coming for you guys. Well, you have to stick with me.
So, for this week, share below the things that typically zap you? What drains you? What puts you in the red?
Let’s get real with one another. You are not only helping yourself, but you are an incredible blessing for all of the rest of us.
This is going to be GOOD! Dig in! Take some time to dig on this one and it will do a work in your heart AND prepare you for our message this week. It is going to be good….
Oh! And, your Mommy Homework entries make you eligible for Mommy Homework Credit. You will be able to use your MHC on future studies, past studies, online audios, ebooks from our ministry. We DO grade on the curve…so, give it all you have got! Ready? Dig in!
PS! Please remember to use your real name if you want credit for your Mommy Homework Credit.
PPS! You CAN just share and not participate in Mommy Homework, BUT I would LOVE for you to get some goodies along the way!
PPSS! Want to check your credit? Here is the newest update: http://www.talk-a-latte.com/ebooks/MommyHomeworkCredits.pdf
PPPSS! If you are new, all you do to share your MH is first register (see the link on the bottom of the page–scroll all the way to the very bottom), then log in with your name and password that you select. Share away!
PPPSSS! Want to redeem your credit? Read our instructions here:http://www.cindysdesktop.com/?cat=81
Deadline–Friday at midnight CST.
WOW! Does this topic hit home, especially in my life right now. At the beginning of September my husband started a new job in Baltimore, MD. The girls (10, 8 and 6) and I are still living in the home we own in Lynchburg, VA. It has been a long 5 months of only seeing my husband every other weekend for less than 48 hours. Talk about needing to be recharged. Nothing like being on 24/7 and with no back-up to make you need some physical and mental refreshment.
God has not lightened my load during this time either. I have been very busy interceding for a friend who was on her deathbed but the Lord saved and for 3 other friends who are struggling with looming divorces that they never wanted. I need spiritual refreshment too.
Not rely on God and relying too much on my own strength always makes the need for refreshment come so much faster. Or the lack of time spent in his word will bring on that need faster than if I had been digging in regularly.
I am an introvert so too much time spent with people in social situations where I need to be engaged can wear me out quickly. If I have to spend too much time socially without time away to myself, I will feel the desperate need to get alone to recharge so that I will be a nice person.
I will be curious to see what others say. I am sure it will trigger other thoughts for me.
Heather Wilson
What zaps me is getting behind in housework and then having to try and catch up. Also, when I don’t get good sleep and then I try to start solving problems all on my own.
I have to stop, and pray right then that God will help me. If I don’t, I get so frustrated.
God restores. It seems like as soon as I confess to Him that I am in need of help, He is there, giving me ideas of how to reorganize and get back on top of things. I like to get around other people too. I get ideas this way on how they are gettting things done and that helps.
Katrina Boatwright
Right now committing to anything above the normal routine is zapping me. I’m homeschooling our six children and in the morning sickness stage with number seven. I really have to plan our time. Accepting the limitations that different seasons of life brings has never been a strong point of mine so its a good learning experience.
I’ve been struggling to get my daily Bible time in this winter. And it was really pulling me down. So I’ve started doing a psalm with the kids at breakfast, a proverb at lunch time and then we pray through our list of people/needs together. And at night I’ve been listening to an audio Bible on CD as I fall asleep.
My biggest struggle that I haven’t found a good solution for yet is how to get back up and moving when we’ve had a rough few days (like the crazy Christmas family visiting schedule we had and then the flu we all brought home!) I need a way to motivate everyone as we try to get back on schedule during times like that.
I live in a cycle and I don’t know how to change. I get the house spic and span, cook healthy meals,
keep the laundry up, and do school for several days, maybe even a few weeks. Then I get bored with
it and decide I will change the routine by starting a new ‘project’ such as a quilt for missions, or a new
dress sewed for my daughters and I, or something crocheted for a friend, or………Then I get involved in
the project and everything else falls apart until it is finished. Then I have to work to get my day to day
things caught up again. And the cycle begins all over again. Why can’t I do ‘projects’ and day to day
things both? Why do I have to get bored with just the day to day things? When do I do the projects
on my want-to-do list if I don’t live like this? I don’t have the answer?? And this drags me down, down,
down. Carolyn Griggs
When I told my DH what this weeks subject was he laughed and said “getting out of bed zaps you”. I laughed but some days I really feel that is true. Many looking at me see me as a “go getter” but more days than not I feel that all my strength is being zapped out of me!!
My days are VERY long starting at 4:30 am and going anywhere to 10:00 – 11:00 pm. My strength is poured into my family 100%. I have a ds that is 23, dd that is 12, and a special needs ds that is 9. I run non-stop trying to get things done for my family and keeping a watch over my youngest son. I have to be ready for a seizure at any minute.
A year ago we helped move a family that has become apart of our family. The two older kids have been trying their best to cause all sorts of problems. Now I have added another person to our family until further notice for the sake of safety for his family. He has to be constantly watched.
Another thing is physical. Over a year ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, God graciously healed me and I’m so thankful. But every time it is time for a check up I go into a break down because I’m so scared that my cancer will be back.
I recently was diagnosed was crippling arthritis and this has changed all that I had been able to do. I feel so often that the stress is going to BREAK me. This week another stress was added. After 16 years of having our adopted son, his natural mom has decided she wants to come after him and hurt him because he has changed his life for the better.
Every time that I try to get alone for even 5-10 mins. something happens that I’m needed for. I keep relying on the thoughts that God won’t give me more than I can handle with HIS help.
Cindy, you have been such a blessing to me and help me in so many ways. You have been there when I cried, laughed and need someone to pray. THANKS!!!
Orilla Crider
Carolyn – are we twins that were separated at birth? We have a lot in common. I get on a tear about something and whatever is in that zone gets done and outside of that zone is a wreck.
Plus, I have my health issues (female stuff) that is literally draining the energy from me; I’m on medications and supplements just to function on low gear (at one point I couldn’t even stand long enough for the toast to pop up). I’m better. but I have always been a low energy person; even as a kid when my friends would want to play kickball, I would volunteer to be the scorekeeper or permanent pitcher so I didn’t have to run. I’d rather crochet or read than do something more physical, though I do sometimes force myself.
I also have family issues with my son’s Jekyll and Hyde behavior, my mom’s chronic illnesses, and trying to help and encourage my dad long-distance (he’s still on the East coast). Most of my support people are long distance as well, so I really enjoy the Mommy chat during class! I also usually recharge at Bible study, but in January we had 4 cancellations due to cold weather. Thankfully, February is better, so far.
Enough of that – on to the good part :o)
Hugs & prayers for all
Davette Brown
Why do I get zapped? Because I try to do things I KNOW I can’t do or things that I know will overload me but I try to do anyway. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year so I know now that I have limits. However, many do not understand what it is and still try to have me say yes. I say no but the “guilt” is still there whether its me making myself feel like this or others making me feel so.