“Your Time of Encouragement Mom-to-Mom”
Imagine! A mommy-getaway online! Retreat with Cindy as she takes you from home to homeschool to home business to homemaking to ministry to marriage to mothering…ALL IN OUR AWESOME ONLINE RADIO SHOW!!
Mom to Mom Radio Show with Cindy Rushton
Every Monday at 2:00PM ET/1PM CT
THIS WEEK: April 10, 2011 – Renewing Spirit Soul and Body with Donna Partow
Join us for today’s show. Our topic is Renewing Spirit Soul and Body!
It is Spring! Time to renew! Need that?
Oh!I love this time of year. Everything is being renewed. All things are new. Is it time to renew YOU? Well, join us for our next Mom-to-Mom Radio Show as my guest Donna Partow joins us to share how we can renew ourselves SPIRIT, SOUL, and BODY. I have been counting down until this show! I LOVE hearing Donna Partow speak!
In this show, I will be welcoming my sweet friend, Donna Partow, to our show. I will turn the mic over to Donna for a fantastic message that you will not want to miss! If you are not familiar with Donna, get to know her online at her website: http://www.DonnaPartow.com. Her site is jam-packed with encouragement mom-to-mom. She covers all-things Proverbs 31–in fact, she has an amazing course going on right now that you will want to check out at: http://www.DonnaPartow.com/90dayrenewal. Don’t miss this show! You will definitely leave this one refreshed, refilled and RENEWED spirit, soul, and body!
Join us LIVE!
Yes! We are recording LIVE every Monday afternoon at 2:00PM ET/1PM CT. You can join us online or by telephone/Skype/Google Voice. Here are the details:
Join Us Online in Our Chat Room: Renewing Spirit, Soul, and Body Chat
Call-in Number:
(347) 850-8893
Mark your calendar AND tell a friend (or two) to join us today!
Counting down….
PS! Did you tune into last week’s show? You can find it here: Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board
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