Tonight I sensed an intense wave of fear brush across the earth. I bind it. I declare and loose faith.
Want something to do?
First, honor those entrusted to care for you! No, rebellion. Honor. Trust. Enjoy these moments with your family and with God. Fast. Pray. Worship! And….pull out your armor!!
It’s time for you to fight the good fight! Put on your armor-your prayer, the Word, worship, fasting, faith!
Right now, what if you believed. What if you had faith—Hebrews 11:1 faith:
Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.
What if you had faith?
Just a bit? A dab. Just as much as a mustard seed? Can you give me that?
That’s all that Jesus said it takes to move a mountain.
Not a proverbial mountain.
A mountain.
A big rocky, unpenetrable, unmovable, looming mountain.
A no-easy-way around, over, or through it kind of mountain.
You have that much power and you have that much authority with your little bits of faith.
Rise up!
You are called to exercise faith. You can wipe out fear and infirmity! It’s already done. Now possess your inheritance!
It’s under your feet.
It’s under the blood that covers you.
It’s defeated.
Today, stand firm.
Today, worship!
Today, watch your Almighty Lord battle!!!
Want something to do?
You could just worship and wait on the deliverance of the Lord. It’s going to happen no matter where you are looking. No matter your level of faith. This is to build up your faith. This is allowed to revive the church from its slumber. This is a move !!
I hear the Lord saying He is giving you YOUR STORY. Some of you have cried out that you wish you could hear God speak or see His moves. This is your moment!
You get in on this one too when you let all of the things, all the voices, and all of the distractions go by and you wait for it—like Elisha (look up that story!).
Fast the things that are wearing you down and keeping you from believing.
Flip off that tv.
Turn on worship!
Pull out that Bible.
Start collecting Bible verses that speak promises in this hour.
Listen to solid prophetic people who really are tuned in to this life of God—caution on that one!
Stir up your faith!
You have got this!
Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.(Hebrews 11:1 TPT)
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