Want to know what a “Hotseat” is? In a “hotseat” you get to bring your list of questions or needs for your business or ministry to our community. I will be your host. We will strategize, encourage, brainstorm, and pour into you. At the same time, we can’t help but to find AMAZING ideas and help for our own businesses/ministries.
BEST OF ALL – it is free! You just have to reserve YOUR time and be vulnerable in sharing your needs. We do the rest!
Are YOU ready???? We are setting up HOTSEATS this week. Need some biz or ministry coaching from our community? Let’s plan your time.
Already have Orilla on the Hotseat on Thursday at 3:30PM! I will be setting up the invite in a bit.
Want YOUR time? Just ask! 🙂 And…don’t miss others on the Hotseat. This is one of the perks of group coaching–there is ALWAYS something in there that you can takeaway.
So, let me know if YOU want on the Hotseat. Let’s troubleshoot and take massive action! 🙂
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