Musicians, it is no accident that our feeds have been filled with so many of you picking up your instruments to pour out new songs. Setting up your mics. Something is arising in you that is not an accident. It’s a strategy of the Holy Spirit.
Reminds me of a prophetic word God gave me. He has new songs that He wants to pour out into the world through those who will let Him flow through them. These songs will minister hope, healing, and establish His people for the days to come.
Worship wins the war.
Your music is a voice of Holy Spirit that confounds the enemy and causes him to flee. It’s no accident that it’s in these days.
Our leaders have called a fast. Many have been fasting since the 1st or have joined in along the way. God has spoken that this virus requires fasting and faith to break it.
Fasting starves the flesh.
Worship builds up the inner man so the spirit man is stronger than the flesh.
Worship confounds the enemy and makes him flee.
Worship ushers in the presence of the Living God.
Worship refreshes and restores the saints.
Worship wins the war.
So worship!
Worship with song.
Worship with your instruments.
Rise up and let Holy Spirit flow through you.
Pour forth a new song.
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