Ok! Let’s get busy organizing our homes together! Ready? Let’s start at the front door. Here are a few things to brainstorm…
1. Something simple to occupy the entryway and decorate it is an item that not only keeps clutter down, but dirt to a minimum is to have a rug at the door to clean off shoes as you enter the door. Having a place to sit down and remove shoes is a good thing. A bench works well or a couple of chairs.
2. Have a place for each person to put their shoes when they take them off. Color-coded bins help younger children to know where their shoes belong. This central location can help for when children are looking for their shoes each morning. It is keep to keep the area clean and organized daily.
3. Have a designated place where kids put backpacks, sports gear, jackets, umbrellas, etc. when they come home. Many people use their mud rooms for this, if you don’t have one, create an area near the front or back door for hanging coats up and purchase (or build) a bench with storage units underneath for putting other gear.
4. Keep wet umbrellas in a plastic shopping bag to catch the water. Having a container full of plastic bags near the door will help. (Be sure to check when the umbrellas are dry to throw the water out before mold sets in.)
5. Have a place to hang your keys as you are coming in. If you keep them in one place, you won’t spend time looking for them. Have one place for charging a cell phone or PDA. In this same place as the keys, place your sunglasses as well.
6. Make sure you have an area for items that need to be taken care of the next day. Dry cleaning, library books, etc. need to have a place by the door so you will remember them on the way out.
Feel successful? I do! Soak it in. It won’t be long and we will make it all the way around our homes. Just enjoy your success today!
Got any extras that YOU find helpful? Share them below.
Hi Cindy! I am going to start working on my entry way. I do not really have any room to put a bench inside but maybe I can out one on the outside on the porch and if people have muddy shoes, they can sit and take them off out there! I will let you know how I do!
Hi Cindy! I just wanted to tel you that I cleaned and organized my entryway and enrty closet today! I put up a hook for keys and cleaned my door mat and the entry closet! I will be working on the family room next!
Thanks, Rodna!