Good morning sweet friends!
Ready for another big, big week? Oh! This one is going to be super! We have sooo much going on around here.
In fact, before I dig in to all of that, I owe all of you a huge apology–my week last week just ran out! We are on the countdown to the Ultimate Homeschool Expo and talk about taking every single moment of my time. It is bigger than ever. You are going to love, love, love it! In fact, take a peek at the page with all of the details:
I finally accepted this past weekend that during the next three weeks, my schedule is going to be a bit different than normal. I am going to try my best to squeeze in all of the things that I normally do, but if last week was an indicator of how things are going to be, then I am going to have to stop making plans that are just impossible. Proud of me? I hope so. I promise that I am trying to keep all of the “balls” in the air, but I suspect that I may have to put a few aside for the next few weeks–IF I am going to sleep! ha! YES! I promise to sleep AND I am even scheduled to run my 5K this weekend. And, we have some amazing things lined up for you this week. I hope you will plan to join us for some of the things we are doing online. Here is a peek into our week:
Monday, April 19, 2010
“Teach Us to Pray” ~ Becoming a Family of Prayer with Lisa Hodgen from
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
How to Make Any Curriculum Right Brain Friendly with Stephanie Buckwalter from
Purity, Courtship, and The Ancient Jewish Wedding: Old fashioned notions..? Definitely… Dry and Dusty~ Irrelevant for Youth Today~ You could never be more Wrong!! with Evonne Mandella from
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Protecting Our Marriage with Molly Evert from
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Homeschooling the Dyslexic Child with Molly Evert from
Can’t make it for all of our workshops?
Want to download our workshops to enjoy later at your convenience? All you do is grab our set! You can grab it now at:
See all of our speakers and their topics. Get all of the details. Scroll down the page and grab your set at the bottom of the page. You will LOVE it! It is the best ever!
Wondering what Mommy Homework is? Each week you will have an “assignment” here to share in our comments here on this site. You will love this-both sharing AND enjoying answers by others.
THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: Healthy and Yummy Substitutes
Oh! I really thought I would have all of the new audios online last week. I ran out of week! Of course, that could be good news!
Are you a member of our Talk-a-Latte Mommy Club? If so, look for your new downloads this week. If not, JOIN US NOW! Oh! This month’s downloads are going to be super! I think that they will meet you right where you are today. AND, if you join today, you get last month’s downloads AND this month’s downloads all for $12.95. You will not believe how much you get each and every month. Join us here:
A while back, I was asked how we ran such a large business as a family. I knew immediately the answer. It is NOT about us! God has blessed us with the most amazing partners in the world–YOU! If all of you didn’t share us with your friends, we would not have a business. I am SOOOoo thankful for YOU!
For years we wanted to have a way to bless those who share about us. I was delighted three years ago to begin my affiliate program. It is our way of blessing those of you who share about us and what we have going on. Right now, we are gearing up for a MAJOR promotion of the year. I just added our Ultimate Homeschool Expo 2010 into our affiliate program. For every referral that you make, you will earn 50% commission as my blessing back to you. PLUS! Our top affiliate in the next 30 days will receive an iPAD! Oh! YEAH! Why not join up and help us to spread the word about the UHSE-2010? Join here:
Oh! Let’s dig in to this week and make it the best ever!
See ya online!
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