Some of you have been following my journey this year toward getting fit and healthy. I am proud to report that as of today, I am down 66lbs, 4 sizes, AND even 20 points on top and bottom for my blood pressure! Hoot! If you are just coming into this journey with me, it all began with the same old, … [Read more...] about Perks to Getting Fit and Healthy by Cindy Rushton
Taking Care of Mom
DE-STRESS! Yep! Gulp! De-stress! Battle stress? This one got you out of whack before? You are not alone, beloved! Want to know the #1 complaint in our culture? What about among moms? What about among homeschool moms? The booger behind despair? The reason that most quit? The reason that … [Read more...] about De-Stress!
Want to Reach Your Goals? Write them DOWN!
Want to reach your goals? There is a big secret! What is a goal? It is more than a wish for something better. In fact, it is a declaration of what needs to change in one’s life. As a declaration, goals are written down. Why is it so important to write down goals? The first and most common … [Read more...] about Want to Reach Your Goals? Write them DOWN!
Invest in Relationships!
It is not easy cultivating relationships today. It takes an investment. It takes an intentional investment to cultivate relationships. Think of a garden. In order for the plants and flowers to grow well they need love and attention. Turning over the soil, adding mineral nutrients and watering are … [Read more...] about Invest in Relationships!
Don’t Set Yourself Up to Fail
You will not find out how to fail here. Instead you will learn why you sometimes do fail. Unconsciously we sabotage our own efforts but you can consciously make choices to keep failure at bay in your personal goals. Failure is not fatal but it can be avoided when you take the necessary steps to … [Read more...] about Don’t Set Yourself Up to Fail
Start Your Own Home Gym!
Were you one of the millions who made losing weight a New Year’s resolution? How are you doing? If you’re having problems making it to the gym, why not start your own home gym? Let’s face it, having a gym membership is no guarantee that your fitness goals will be reached. In fact, having to pack … [Read more...] about Start Your Own Home Gym!
Reduce Your Stress in Fifteen Minutes or Less
Stress is no stranger to the average mom. Day in and day out it tries to enter our lives through busy schedules, a messy home, and screaming children. Here are a few ways that moms can reduce their stress levels fast. Give them a try. Let's dig in... Remember that commercial for Calgon bath … [Read more...] about Reduce Your Stress in Fifteen Minutes or Less
Romance On a Shoestring with Cindy Rushton
Romance is vital for a forever marriage. Satan has stolen romance and perverted the beauty in romance. He has made it look wrong, nasty. Even for those who do not buy into that lie, he has made it look out of reach for the Christian home. It is time to take it back! Begin by dating your … [Read more...] about Romance On a Shoestring with Cindy Rushton