During the holidays many of us find ourselves LIVING in our car. In fact, this weekend, we are in ours. 🙂
Ever noticed that cars a clutter magnet? It does not take long before things just pile up, stink up, clutter up, and make everything more and more stressed.
How about joining me real quick as we clean out, declutter and organize our home on the road? Here are a few ideas…
–> Have a trash bag in the car at all times. Either keep plastic shopping bags in the car to put in the trash bag for easy removal or purchase bags in a popup container. When you stop to fill up, go into a store, or when you come back home each day, dump the trash. Make it a habit for everyone to get all of the trash out. I have a “clutter check” every time we fuel up. Everything is dumped into the trash. Just takes seconds, but makes a big, big difference.
–> Be sure to keep cleaning supplies for messed in a container in the back seat of the car or in the trunk. A vacuum is a good thing to have. Several companies have cleaning products specifically for the car. This is one key that will help you to snag moments for a quick clean-up. How many times could you clean up something quick if your supplies or tools were not so difficult to gather and use? Invest now and you will find time and money later, as well as, a nicer vehicle. Don’t forget to stay stocked up in case of emergencies.
–> Make it a habit to take everything that doesn’t belong in the car inside the house every evening. That will help keep the car looking clean. If you have children, have them take their items inside. Make it a rule and it will be easier to follow. Make it fun and the children will enjoy cleaning out their belongings from the car. We made it easier for our children by purchasing back-packs for them to carry “their things” to and from the car. All they had to do was grab their backpack and carry it to the car when we left or into the house each evening. Repacking our backpacks was part of our evening routines. We packed up whatever we would need for the next day, whether library books or gym clothes or scout books. Saved those trips back home for “stuff” AND made it easy for the children to keep the car organized nicely.
–> If you need to keep phonebooks or other reference materials in the car, put them in a clear tote and put them in the trunk. Put a local phonebook in the glove box along with a state or city map. Other maps can go in the trunk.
–> One good tip is to clean out the car weekly if you can’t do it daily. I carry my Tahoe to the big car wash every Wednesday. That is $3.00 car wash day. You get your car washed and you can dry, vacuum, and dejunk it at the same time. This is my regular check-point to make sure that I am keeping things nice and neat.I carry my cleaning products and go over everything there under their nice shady covers with their trash cans within reach. Very easy. Did I mention it only cost me $3 a week???
–> Take those CD’s out of their cases today! I kept breaking, cracking, and losing the cases. I constantly struggled with the wrong CD in the cases. Finally, I spent that $5 for a CD holder. That was the best thing I have bought in a while. I took all of the CD’s out of their cases and put them in “their spot” and put it on my visor. My favorite CD’s are all easy to find and change out. Of course, I say this and one other option is to load them into iTunes, transfer them into your iPod or iPhone, and plug your iPod into your audio system. I love that too! I love being able to listen to my music, teaching tapes, podcasts, and seminar sets at the click of a finger! AND…that is even lighter to carry on the go!
Are you ready? Dig into your vehicle. Let your helpers attack the messies with you. You won’t believe how much nicer the holiday going will be with a tidy car!
Got ideas? Share yours here in our comments!
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