Did you know that French toast was not created by the French, but by a little known tavern owner in Albany, New York, whose last name was French? You may think that French toast is difficult to make, especially if you are a first time cook. Actually, it is a very easy and delicious breakfast fare. Here is a great recipe on how to make French toast.
What You’ll Need:
Griddle Pan (or frying pan)
Large Mixing Bowl
4 eggs
4 slices white bread
Butter or Cooking Spray
Salt and Pepper
Place your griddle (or frying pan) on the stove and set gas to medium. Take the stick of butter and grease the griddle. You can also use cooking spray.
Take 4 eggs and gently break them into a bowl. Add 4 tablespoons of milk, with salt to taste. Take a fork and beat the eggs until you have a smooth consistency.
When you hear the sizzling of the butter on the griddle, you are ready to prepare the bread. Lower the gas just a bit.
Take each slice of bread and dip it into the bowl. Ensure that both sides are completely covered with the egg. Take each slice and place it on the griddle. Wait a minute or so then using the spatula, check the underside of the slice to ensure it is cooked (each slice should be slightly brown). Turn the slice over to brown the other side. When the top of the slice is the desired color, turn off the gas.
Place the slices on a plate and the feast begins! You can choose to eat them plain, or you can add maple syrup and sprinkle confection sugar over them. What a treat!
Our favorite options:
Add a high quality vanilla extract to the egg mixture. Cinnamon is also a delicious way to “jazz up” your French toast. You can top the French toast with fruit or flavored syrup, as well, for an added treat.
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