I was listening to one of your MP3’s today while exercising. I can only get in bits/pieces at a time, but it was neat. I believe it was one on organizing. You had talked about having a place to write down thoughts, dump your brain every once in awhile, etc. You were encouraging us to even set goals that only with God’s help would they be accomplished. I thought that was so fitting for me. You see, my husband just quit his job last month because he felt that God told him it was time to set out and do his type of work on his own. That was a big step of faith because we have 4 children and monthly bill obligations.
In the past, I would have said, “No Way, we can’t do that.” But after 15 years of marriage and realizing that if God has spoken to my husband, then my role as a wife is to follow and not try to interfere. So this time, I was more supportive and encouraged. I asked questions of course, but I was very careful to not be negative. I had a few slip-ups but caught myself.
Well, he is just getting everything going, but it was so neat when he gave his notice to his company and the owners of the company, he was bold and told them that it was God leading him. One of the wives called my husband. She told him not to share with anyone else in the company (especially her husband), but she had to call and let my husband know that his testimony had made a big impact with her husband. And when my husband shared that his quitting was because God was leading him to do this – it made a HUGE impact. That was so special.
Anyway, this is a God thing. It was something God wanted my husband to do and so when I heard your session today and you said, “Just remember that if God called you to do it – it won’t fail.” I rushed to tell my husband and it encouraged him too. Thank you so much for your ministry.
Nancy Mosley in GA
Nancy, this is soooo precious to me. This is exactly what Harold and I pray for families. I KNOW it is scary, but once you step out there, watch the amazing ways that God moves! You have some sweet treats ahead of you on your journey!
Don’t you love seeing this one treat here? We take so much for granted. There ARE people watching and learning from us. In the midst of our toughest decisions, people are watching. That very choice may help them to take the scary step that God has asked for them to take too. At minimum, we are encouraged to do the little things that God has called us to do. It will be fun to hear how this turns out for his fellow employees.
Stay strong. Trust God. You are on your way to your Promised Land!
Love ya!
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