Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [[a]in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. 1 Peter 5:8 (Amplified Bible)
So, dear friends, how are you doing? Are you on track? Are you back on track? Oh I HOPE so! My prayer is that this series will help us all to troubleshoot any of the things that have gotten us off track AND to be on guard against the things that can derail us. I want for ALL of us to end this year with that sense of contentment, knowing that this year really counted.
If you missed the past two days and you are wondering what I am talking about, take a peek at the last two blog posts before digging into this one. Here they are:
These are keys that have really helped me to keep my year on track. I believe that we ALL have dreams. We all have those resolutions–even if we did not write them down. We all have goals. And, we all have things that we need to be doing this year.
At the end of the year, will we look back to a year that we moved forward? That we grasped on to ALL that Christ has died to give us? Will we be satisfied with this year? I pray so!
Today is the day to get moving forward.
Today is the day to get back on track.
Let’s do it together! Let’s commit to make this moment, this hour, this day, this week, this month, THIS YEAR really count.
That brings me to the next key to keeping your year on track:
Balance is SOOO key! Talk about one thing that can derail us soooo easily–just get out of balance and it won’t take long until we are totally off track.
Staying balanced is a constant struggle. There is just something about the lifestyle that we live today that tends to demand that we go, go, go….that we do, do, do….that we handle so many things at one time….that we push our limits constantly. Just living has a way of getting us off balance. So many of the things that fill our days tend to be things that could and probably SHOULD be full-time jobs:
And, we wonder why we have a hard time balancing things. 🙂 Funny thing, this does not mention all of the things that we DO. Almost everything that we do demands so much of us. We are faithful. We are busy. But, somehow we still get derailed and we miss the things that we really want to be getting done. What do we do? Let me share some of the things that I do to stay balanced….
1. Balance all areas!
Again, let’s face it, we ALL have so many areas of life that we must balance. All it takes is ONE area getting out of balance and everything derails. Sure you are going to do lots of things, but the key is to never let any area get unruly and out of balance. We we do, we will neglect other areas and the crash is right around the corner.
You can’t afford to neglect ANY areas–your family, your commitments, your responsibilities, your business, your home, YOU.
Funny thing–we all have areas in our lives that have a tendency to get unruly and out of bounds. Just think about homeschooling–it CAN be done in 1-2 hours per day OR it can drag on and on and on and nothing get done. KWIM? Business is the same way! Oh! Even homemaking and meal preparation are both the same way. Keep a good solid balance. Even if you take a little longer to get things done, you will have a good, strong foundation–you’ll have better results! You will stay on track!
2. Watch out for the little things!
The little things are the things that usually get everything off track. Sure, occasionally you will find something big in your life that will knock you off track, but isn’t it funny how often those are the times that we are strongest. I think that is because we KNOW we are in over our head and we have no problem taking those things to God for HIS STRENGTH.
They are tricky! There is something in me that thinks that I can handle them–and before I know it those little boogers knock me out!
Ever noticed the little slivers of metal that they put into a tire to balance it? It is just a little thing, but that without that little thing everything gets out of balance and with that little thing everything smooths out for the ride of your life. Life is SOOO like that!
Those little things will get us out of balance. Be on guard! Watch out for the little things–they are really the BIG THINGS that will get your year off track!
3. Dare to get rid of the STUFF.
I know that we have A LOT that we are constantly balancing. However, we also have a tendency to take on the things that are not essential. Now I am not talking about the typical things that we tend to put off until later:
Quiet times
Romancing our sweetheart
Ministering to the hearts of our children
Ministering to others
Getting fit and healthy
Writing that book
Building a business of our own
Why is it that we tend to put THOSE things off until later–the things that really matter to us? I think that there are a myriad of reasons. None of them will matter one day. One day, we WILL stand before the Lord and account for every choice, every decision, every action. My fear is that these things that REALLY matter COULD be regrets because of the STUFF that we do instead.
This is THE YEAR to get rid of the STUFF that we are doing. let it all go! Commit to choose the TREASURES–the eternal things! Join me in letting go of all of the trash and trinkets that typically steal our focus, energy, and time. Those are the very things that get us off track. Let’s join together and dare to get rid of the STUFF! Let’s make this year count!
4. And, finally–NO MORE WASTING TIME!
Inevitably, if I waste time, things pile up and there is NO balance. The only way to get back on track is to take more time sorting things out and getting things back on track. I SOOOo hate that! And, the worst part is that during that time things are still not in balance.
My commitment for this year is to JUST DO IT! No, I have not bought into a commercial. 🙂 Instead, I am committing to stop procrastinating, stop losing time, stop wasting time! I have determined that this year I want to be productive, moving, reaching for bigger than ever things, and grasping onto all that God has planned for my year. I don’t want one moment lost. That means that I have no time to waste away this year.
What about you? Do you relate?
Why not pull back and look at your time?
Are you moving forward?
Are things piling up?
Are you stuck?
Are you crying out from underneath it all?
Today is the day to pull back and let God pull you back on top of it. Sure it may take a lot of work to sort things out and get things back on track, BUT think of the reward–living the life you want to live! Oh! Commit to do what it takes! It is worth it!
That brings me to our action plan for the day…
Are you balanced?
Is everything on track?
What are you going to do to get back in balance?
How can you stay balanced?
Share one thing that you are going to do TODAY to keep in balanced so you keep your year on track.
BTW–I am cheering you on! We are going to reach for our dreams together this year!! I love you!
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