It is March! Can you even believe it? We are now past 1/6th of the year! How is it going?
Are you getting things done–well, the things YOU WANT to get done?
Are you reaching for your resolutions–or, are they collecting dust?
Are you reaching for your dreams?
If we want to look back on December 31st with satisfaction, contentment, and no regrets, we are going to have to keep each and every day on track. Nothing can keep us more overwhelmed than getting off track and nothing can help us more to get OVER IT, than keeping each and every day (and year) on track! Sweet friend, I want to see you LIVE your very best year ever! Let’s make this one a year that really counts! Deal?
Over the next few posts, I am going toย share some tips that have been helping me. Be sure to subscribe to my feed, follow me on Facebook, or make a note to come back to check out each day’s post. I think you will find some secrets to help you keep your year on track.
Now, for today….
Let me say that again, ” Set YOUR pace!” I have spent that last year and half learning how to run. I LOVE running! In fact, I got so hooked that within 3 months of beginning to run, I ran my first 5K. ๐ Before you get visions that are NOTHING like my 5Ks, I have to tell you about what God showed me. He showed me that running the race is not about how fast you run nor what you place nor how you LOOK coming in. It is all about running with endurance, finishing well, and enjoying every minute.
No, I am not the fastest coming in.
No, I am not even the fastest in my age-division.
Yes, I was next to the last coming in for the first 5K–did beat a few more in the 2nd 5K.
No, I wouldn’t have cared if I were the last.
It was all about being faithful, reaching for my impossible dream, giving it all I have got, and RUNNING MY RACE, MY PACE!
When I run MY PACE, I can do it. If I try going faster, talk about SHIN-SPLINTS! The key is not trying to be like anyone else. The key is just being ME and running MY race.
This is also a lesson that I have brought into my life. When I get off of my pace, I bomb. Things begin to unravel. Things begin to cave in. BUT! If I will slow down, set my pace, and run MY RACE, everything is sooooo much easier!
Wondering how to set your pace? Here are a few things I try to remember….
1. Get started with that first step! Yep! Your pace begins with that first step. So many people never get going because they never take that first step. I have been asking God to show me when I am not moving forward in an area, to help me know that first step, and to give me the power to get moving. What is that FIRST STEP? I know it can be scary. I know it can be intimidating. But, today, ask God to show you those areas that you have not been moving forward–building a godly marriage, quiet times, ministering to the hearts of your children, getting out of debt, building a business of your own, getting fit and healthy, getting your home decluttered, etc. Ask Him to show you what He wants for you to do and to show you that first step so you can get up and get moving–He will! Also, ask him to empower you and give you everything you need as you step out. My sweet friend, HE WILL! Just get started with that first step!
2. Don’t look around! Boy, when you run a 5K, it can be unsettling to see so many “whipper-snappers” race on by. It just seems that the whole world passes you by. But! There is joy in finishing the race! At that moment, NOTHING else matters! You can be proud of YOURSELF! That is YOUR MOMENT. In fact, would you believe that there is a big perk to you finishing toward the end–there are more people at the finish to cheer you on! ๐ I know that life can be soooo intimidating. If you look around, it can be so unsettling to see people race off and leave you in the dust. However, sweet friend, if you want to keep YOUR PACE and run YOUR RACE, you are going to have to let the world go on without you. Keep your eyes on the prize. Settle in to move out at your pace. Sure, you can challenge yourself to sprint a bit. However, don’t feel that you have to push it so hard. Instead, the key to getting your pace is to enjoy the race. Don’t look around–things may not be as they appear! Even in the 5Ks that I have run, I have seen people race on by me with everything that they had, but they could not keep it up, they could not sustain that pace and they fell behind me or dropped out. Things may not be as they appear. Don’t look around at others. Set YOUR pace. Keep your eyes on the prize. You WILL finish. You WILL finish well. Just don’t look around!
3. When it hurts, slow down!! YES! When I first began running, there was something in me that thought that I should just be able to jump out there and keep up with others who were running. I felt that if I did not have the same pace as them then I was not REALLY running. Ummmm…. I chuckle thinking that I should be keeping up with my “gazelle” of a son and husband. For heavens sake, I began running 80lbs over weight!!! My shins would burn in seconds and keep burning for days! I would feel every bone in my feet (all 52!!). I wondered how on earth I would ever get to a point where I could pursue my dream of running. Well, until one day when I was out training with Harold. I just let him go on his merry-way. I pulled back to MY PACE and I was able to do it!! Sweet friend, this is key! Whether we are running a 5K or running the race of life, we ARE designed to do it! The neat thing is that our bodies will tell us exactly what OUR PACE is. When it gets to hurting, it is time to slow down. Don’t push it! I know that I am saying this when we live in a very hurry, hurry, push, push world. It is key! If you want to run the race faithfully, pull back, slow down, settle into YOUR PACE. You WILL succeed!
4. Run YOUR race! Just dig in and do it! Again, it is NOT about how fast you run nor what you place nor how you LOOK coming in. It is all about running with endurance, finishing well, and enjoying every minute. The thing that I love about 5Ks (well, one of them) is that you can have that satisfaction of getting out there and going for your dream. If your focus IS on how fast you run, you can be in danger if your goal was not realistic. If your focus is onย where you place, trust me, you can be SORELY disappointed–there is ALWAYS someone faster or someone who is having a better day than you! If your focus is on how you look as you come to the finish line, well, THAT can be VERY disappointing! ๐ It has to get beyond all of that! I think that is why I love to run! I can have success TODAY with my run. Well, I can if I am realistic, focused, and going my pace! It is not about all of the stuff that can take away the joy of the race. Instead it is all about getting out there, daring to go for that dream, running with endurance, finishing well, and enjoy every minute! Oh! There is nothing quite like that success! Well, except when we run the race of life faithfully. Talk about something that REALLY counts! Talk about something that brings deep satisfaction! Talk about something that we can take into eternity. There is nothing quite like running the race of life! Just dig in and do it!
Well, I know that I could go on and on. But, I want to ask you today, will you set your pace? Could it be that your pace is the one thing that has kept you from living the life you want? Could it be that your pace has had EVERYTHING off track? Today, check your pace.
This year holds lavish blessings–FOR YOU! Don’t tune me out!
This year holds things that you have NEVER seen before!
This year is full of treasures awaiting you!
Ready for a new direction?
Ready for a new course?
Ready for a new beginning?
Today, letโs commit to make this moment, this hour, this day, this week, this month, THIS YEAR really count.
Come back to join me for the next post where I will talk about our LIFESTYLE. ๐ Until then, why not leave me your comment or join the discussion? I am so glad you are here. Just jump in and chat with me!
Hi Cindy,
Thank you for this reminder for doing things at my own pace. I always feel so behind at the beginning of every calendar year because summer here in Australia has caused so many delays in doing our school work due to my overactive sinuses in warmer weather. This can get me so depressed that I don’t really recover until July.
Maybe I need to remember that summer for me is a time of just slow walking my life and I can get back on with a spritely jog when the weather cools and “make up” for lost time. My pace may not be steady all year long but I can still finish the race if I keep my attitude good.
And, by the way, over the last 6 plus years that I have been reading and listening to you, why is it that you are always so spot on for what I need at each season of my life? Big hug thank you.
Best wishes
Jen in Oz
Cindy Rushton Reply:
March 15th, 2011 at 12:40 pm
Awww! Jen, we are just in this thing together! ๐
I love the way that you said it–I agree that as we move throughout our year, our pace DOES need to be adjusted or we will go through frustration, exhaustion, and even depression.
My year is a lot like yours. Depending on what I have on the calendar, my days can be very, very different. I remember being so aggravated until I gave myself permission to go my own pace–or, the pace of my family. ๐
Sounds like you and I are running our race alike. We are going to get there dearie! I am cheering you on!
Love ya!