Good morning sweet friends! How is your day going? I pray that it is going SUPER!
Ready to dig into Day 5 of our series? Oh! This is one of my big secrets to staying on track and getting the most important things done each year, each month, each day! Of course, before we dig in, if this is your first time checking out our site, we are in the middle of a series called, IS YOUR YEAR ON TRACK??? Don’t miss the first posts. I think that they will be a big encouragement to you. Here are the links where you can find each of them:
2. LIVE!
Also, don’t just read them, dig in deep. Let’s chat about your takeaways and how you are planning to apply these posts. Deal?
Ok! Let’s dig into today’s point…
So often I am asked how I get so much done. Trust me, I do not always FEEL like I am getting a lot done. Most of the time, I FEEL like so many of you–wondering how to get things done when there are constant interruptions, so many things pulling at me, and I run out of steam so easily. Yes! Does that surprise you? 🙂
I have those moments that I get very, very stuck. Just had one this morning. I realized that my “feed” for my Mom-to-Mom Radio Show has not been working right. Even NOW, my brain is a bit distracted because I cannot figure out what is going on with the feed. There is a strong, strong temptation to drop what I had on my heart to do (share here) and go chase that rabbit. Of course, I KNOW what will happen, I will get bogged down trying to figure out what is going on and I will get stuck, I won’t get the things that really matter to me done. Yes, I am human! I DO get stuck! I DO chase rabbits! I DO get distracted!
Now, YOUR rabbits may not be the same as mine OR they may be. But, how do we stay focused, stay on track, and get things that matter DONE?
You have got it! We work with momentum!
Oh! This is one of my biggest secrets. You are going to LOVE this! I really think that it will help you to get started on the right track and stay on track this year. Ready? Let’s dig in…
1. Get started with that FIRST STEP!
What is on your heart to do this year? Did you have any resolutions? What are they? Are you getting them done?
I know, I know. There is something about looking at that great big THING that scares us, frustrates us, overwhelms us. But, do you know how you eat an elephant? One-bite-at-a-time! How do you get things done–THE BIG THINGS? One-step-at-a-time!
Today, I am not asking you to write a book or even a chapter.
Today, I am not asking you to clean all day.
Today, I am not asking you to rebuild your whole marriage.
Today, I am not asking you to undo all of the mistakes you have made with your children.
Today, I am not asking you to do miracles in your finances.
Today, I am not asking you to stop eating all of your favorite foods and hang out at the gym all day.
Today, I am just asking you to take that FIRST STEP toward what you want!
Yes, that FIRST STEP!
What is it? What do you really want? Do you want to get to June and look back with that disgusting feeling in your stomach that things COULD have been different? What about October–do you want to come to October and once again just resolve to get started again with the fresh new year?
I don’t know when you are reading this, but TODAY is where we will begin. We will begin with this step, this choice, this bite, this moment.
This next step is where momentum begins. So, get started with that FIRST STEP!
This may seem simple, but productivity, success, and living out your life purpose IS really simple. You just get started with that first step and then you keep on moving step-by-step.
No, you will not know ALL of your steps right now. But, I can promise that if you are walking in the spirit, you WILL know each step to take all along the way. God will show you. He will be there to light the path. Just keep on moving!
3. Refuse to Get Bogged Down!
Now, THIS is the tricky part! I mentioned earlier that RIGHT NOW, I have something that I really need to do. It is important. Actually, it is a FIRE that does need to be put out TODAY. 🙂 Of course, I already have this commitment and another (lunch with my husband) that are on my schedule and come first. SURE! I could drop this and maybe even lunch and put that fire out but, that would bog me down in two ways:
1. “Fires” in our day have a way of “burning out of control” and taking WAY MORE EFFORT than we ever dreamed. In fact, we can live our entire lives “putting out fires” and never get the most important things done–the things that really count, the things that really matter.
2. When I chase after the fires, it just weighs me down and bogs me down by not getting the things done that really matter. Then, it feels like it “bottle-necks” everything. I feel like I am having to squeeze everything past a tiny spot to get past THAT place. I hope this makes sense. I am amazed that when I refuse to let myself get bogged down how things just normally flow easier and I get sooo much more done.
Have you felt that? Wondering, what do you do about that?
–> KNOW what your priorities are! Stick to them first and foremost!
–> When STUFF pops up, crisis situations happen, or you see the “fires” raging, just add that thing to your to-do list. Keep moving with what you are doing. Do it when other things are DONE! NOTE: If you don’t do this, you will find that your days are ALWAYS interrupted with things that need to be done. You will also find that everytime you get started with one thing, you are pulled to those crisis situation, the STUFF, and the FIRES and you will end up with lots of STARTS, lots of good intentions, and lots of things left unfinished.
–> ALWAYS finish!! Don’t let yourself get bogged down and never finish. Plug away until it is done. It is amazing how much momentum we build just by FINISHING one thing–then, we are fired up and ready for the next thing! If you have anything unfinished, pull it out, dust it off, and dig back in. FINISH! Feel that exhilaration! It will push you onward!
Yes! Each step you take brings passion. Each accomplishment brings even more passion. So, take those steps step-by-step until you get things done. Again, it is truly amazing how much momentum we build as we step forward bit-by-bit. I have noticed this with running. Each goal I set may not be big, but it is moving forward. Talk about firing me up! Just last night I did not run far, but I surpassed my goal for the night and kept going. Talk about “Wooohoooing” it! I was fired up about running all night long. And, that passion pushes to do the next thing. See what I mean?
Step out. Take that first step. Then, the next one. Keep moving bit-by-bit and you will get to the finish! And, there, want to know what you will have?
More passion!
AND…momentum to reach for another dream!
Let your passion fire you up! Let your passion loose to inspire you all along the way. And, let your passion push you toward success!
5. Finally, Always Keep rolling!
I know that there are going to be times when we derail. I know that there are going to be times that we get off track. I know that there are going to be times that we get stuck. I HAVE THOSE TIMES TOO! 🙂
During those times, we simply must be realistic. We do need to slow down and take care of ourselves and situations in our lives. BUT! Don’t get stuck there!
Soak that in!
Don’t let THAT be the pattern of your life! Don’t live in overwhelm! Don’t live in the pit! christ died to bring us freedom. While we will experience pits, we don’t stay there! While we do experience the fires just like others, we don’t LIVE there! While we do have curve balls, we don’t have to strike out!
When tough times come, slow down and let God take you through those times. And, on the other side, get back up and get moving! Keep rolling! Don’t get stuck! Just keep on rolling strong!
Well, sweet friend, as we wrap up, what will you takeaway from this time together? Was there a reminder that you may have forgotten? Did you learn something that will help you to build momentum? Share it below. There is nothing like WRITING IT to set that in our hearts and minds. Join with me to reach for our dreams together this year. I am cheering you on!!
Yes, whenever I feel bogged down, I try to take one step in the right direction. And when I’m done with that step, I feel better, and I’m able to get more done. It’s crazy, but all we have to do is take the first step, and like you said, the rest will follow.
Cindy Rushton Reply:
March 8th, 2011 at 8:39 pm
Susan, I think that this is one of the ways that I procrastinate–hate that word, but THIS is how I do it! It just bogs me down sooo bad. Then, I begin to dread doing it. Funny thing, it can even be things I LOVE to do, but I dread doing it. Talk about bogging me down and getting me off track!
Yes, it is amazing how taking that one step forward just opens the floodgates. It is sooo much easier then. And, yep, the rest just follows!
One step! 🙂
Thanks for dropping by and leaving your comment dearie! Love ya!