Yesterday, we welcomed our precious Joshua Edwin Rushton into the world!
As I looked at him for the first time I finally GOT that verse in Proverbs 17:6:
“Children’s children are a crown to the aged.” (Proverbs 17:6)
We can have everything in the world–all of the stuff, all of the accomplishments, all of the possessions–everything. Yet, when the music fades and all is stripped away, only a few things really matter.
I have lived a life that has been sooo blessed. God has blessed me with so many amazing blessings. I cannot think that the cost for those blessings has been a big sacrifice for me when God has even made that EASY! 🙂 All He has required is that I obey Him and offer my life as a daily sacrifice, doing what HE asks. How hard is that? Especially, when I look at the abundant and lavish blessings that just chase me down.
Yes. I have been blessed in so many areas of my life:
1. Yes, I have had a wonderful marriage. This year we celebrate 25 years of marriage. Talk about an awesome blessing!
2. Yes, I have two amazing children here on earth and 7 in heaven. I could not be MORE blessed by their lives. Every moment of being a mom has been a treasure.
3. Yes, I have been blessed by success. I have written over 100 books, taught all around the country, ran a wonderful business (well, how hard is that when your business is all about connecting with wonderful FRIENDS???), and achieved almost everything I have ever set out to achieve.
We have been blessed in
…and anything we could ever want.
Yesterday, I saw the realization of my “crown.” One that I will carry all of the way into eternity. I am overcome by the beauty of legacy!
I know that I have taught for years about how vital it is for us to KNOW that we are building a HOME and that home is our legacy. I THOUGHT I had GOT IT through the years, but as I held my precious Joshua, my first GRANDchild, I realized it in a deeper level.
Everything is about our legacy! EVERYTHING! E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!
Our legacy is the only earthly treasure that we can carry with us into eternity. It is ETERNAL. Soak that in, dear friend!
Yes, we can go back into Scripture and see that every woman has a legacy. It is what summed up their lives. It is what passed down into the next generation and the next and the next and the next…all the way to us.
It is the ONE THING that was accomplished by their lives. Good or bad, every one of us passes on a legacy that goes on through generations that we may not see and into parts of their lives and all of the lives that they touch. It goes on into eternity–forever and forever.
I am sure that after I die, people will forget the words that I wrote. In fact, it cracks me up when people already forget the things that God gave me to write first–guess we all need to eat “humble-pie” from time to time. 🙂
I already know that when I look back over my life and all that I do and accomplish that the things that I DO have a tendency to look like a beach full of sand–each “to-do” as distinquishable as a grain of sand and all of the “to-do’s” piling up like a beach full of sand. Funny thing, I have a tendency to LOVE those things to do and pour myself into my precious “to-do’s” like a little child intent on building a sand-castle. I KNOW that all of those to-do’s can matter in life, but I also know that there is nothing like the waves rolling in and quickly washing away those “sand-castles.” Again, nothing is quite like seeing how everything is but a vapor. Everything just goes back into the everyday-ness of life.
But, my legacy lives on!
I don’t know if words are sufficient today. I hope that I am making sense to you guys. I LOVE MY LIFE. I am really picky about the things that I DO. I know that this life comes by only once. I don’t want to waste even ONE MOMENT doing something that is not going to count, much less something that is not right. I know that I will not even be RIGHT HERE again. I want to live each moment to the fullest and make my Abba Papa proud of me. I want to bring Him glory and honor. But, this is even MORE….
We are here for so much more than we can ever imagine. OUR LIVES COUNT!
Soak that in…
Every choice that we make affects more than just ourselves or those that we see. There are multitudes coming behind us that NEED for us to be ALL THERE today, making every moment count.
As I look into the sweet face of our little Joshua, I can already see how important everything HAS been. As he looks at me, I feel the immense call rising up yet again–Cindy, BUILD YOUR LEGACY!
I am re-committed. Will you join me dear friends? Let’s build a legacy–a godly legacy!
Need more help? Want to dig deeper with Cindy? Don’t miss this month’s Talk-a-Latte Mommy Club set! This is the topic of Cindy’s set this month. Sign up for only $12.95 and get her full set on the following topics:
Mighty Woman! YOU are Building a Legacy!
A Wise Woman Builds a Legacy!
Stick to the MAIN Thing!
Choose the Best and Let Go of the Rest!
Helpmeet or Hurtmeet?
MOtherhood: Building a Legacy!
A Wise Woman Builds Her Home!
Would the Perfect Mother Please Step Forward????Don’t miss this set! It is one of the best ever! Grab it today at:
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