We are now in the last few weeks of counting down to our 2010 Ultimate Homeschool Expo. In just ONE month we will be recording Expo Week! Can you believe it? Now is definitely the time to be sure that you are signed up. There are two ways to sign up:
Completely FREE!
Join us live and enjoy our awesome workshops! Just sign up now at: http://www.UltimateHomeschoolExpo.com Look in the upper right side-bar–sign up for our update list. Only our update list will get access to our event during expo week. Either join there at our site OR grab your set/membership to our event. That brings me to the next option…
The Whole Deal!
Can’t make it for all of our workshops? Want to download our workshops to enjoy later at your convenience? All you do is grab our set! You can grab it now at: http://www.UltimateHomeschoolExpo.com Scroll down the page and grab your set at the bottom of the page. You will LOVE it! It is the best ever!
Speaking of the best ever…
This week we have a FABULOUS line-up of workshops. We are going to open them all up for you guys to join us live. It is as easy as going to a web-page. Actually, all you do is go to our web page at the time of our workshops and enjoy! You will love these!
This Week:
Monday, April 12, 2010
Evolution and Creation: Keeping Our Kids Christian with Felice Gerwitz from www.MediaAngels.com
ABC’s of Creative Bible Learning with Lois Graham from www.BuildingBlocks4Life.com
What about Penmanship??? With Jennifer Bogart from www.BogartFamilyResources.com
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
How NOT to have Lifeless Learning with Evonne Mandella from www.wholesomelearning.com
Creating a Joyful Home Atmosphere with Cindy Carrier from www.ValuesDrivenFamily.com
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Who’s Driving Your Homeschool–Tranquility or Turmoil? with Regina Hicks
Join Us Live Online (On our website!!):
http://www.Talk-a-Latte.com/chat (The room is closed (password protected) until the chat-the room will be open about 15 minutes before we go live. No password needed to join us while we are recording.)
OR here are the call-in details:
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 38181#
PIN: 1# (Or your Talkshoe PIN)
Missing those sessions? No problem! We record each session and add it to our UHSE 2010 audio library. Want the set? Grab it today at: http://www.UltimateHomeschoolExpo.com.
Ready for a super week? Mark your calendar and plan to join us. See ya there!
With much love,
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