Wondering what Mommy Homework is???
Each week you will have an “assignment” here to share in our comments here on this site. You will love this-both sharing AND enjoying answers by others. Some of them, I compile into an ebook (contributors can resell as a product of their own–be sure to submit your email and full name when you register so I can credit you appropriately!).
The result is AWESOME!
We get to know each other…we are encouraged in our journey…and we glean super ideas from other great moms!
Ready for this week’s MH? This is going to be a FUN topic!
Our topic this week is “How do you Re-Charge!”
This weekend, I am teaching a retreat on the topic of “Re-charge!” Talk about excited! I love the theme. What a perfect time of the year to pull away and re-charge mom-to-mom!
Well, that is not just for those who will be joining me live for this retreat. Why don’t we brainstorm ways to practically re-charge when you are a busy, on-the-go gal? Just as we have to intentionally plug up those cell phones so they can re-charge, likewise, we have to intentionally plug in and connect if we are going to be re-charged. Soooo, how do you plug in and re-charge?
And, like I mentioned last week, I have a surprise coming for you guys. Well, you have to stick with me. More on that next week! 🙂
So, for this week, share how you plug in and re-charge so you that you can operate on FULL POWER! Dig in!
Let’s get real with one another. You are not only helping yourself, but you are an incredible blessing for all of the rest of us.
This is going to be GOOD! Dig in! Take some time to dig on this one and it will do a work in your heart AND prepare you for our message this week. It is going to be good….
Oh! And, your Mommy Homework entries make you eligible for Mommy Homework Credit. You will be able to use your MHC on future studies, past studies, online audios, ebooks from our ministry. We DO grade on the curve…so, give it all you have got! Ready? Dig in!
PS! Please remember to use your real name if you want credit for your Mommy Homework Credit.
PPS! You CAN just share and not participate in Mommy Homework, BUT I would LOVE for you to get some goodies along the way!
PPSS! Want to check your credit? Here is the newest update: http://www.talk-a-latte.com/ebooks/MommyHomeworkCredits.pdf
PPPSS! If you are new, all you do to share your MH is first register (see the link on the bottom of the page–scroll all the way to the very bottom), then log in with your name and password that you select. Share away!
PPPSSS! Want to redeem your credit? Read our instructions here:http://www.cindysdesktop.com/?cat=81
Deadline–Friday at midnight CST.
REcharge, refocus, renew.
1/ Lots of worship music playing in the background with a good warm bath and a book
2/Coffee one morning at Panera (without the children) and my planning binders, or book.
3/Walking around the block alone several times even in the rain/drizzle
4/I love walks on the beach but only get there every 5 years or so!
6/Watching Christmas movies in the middle of the year!
7/Celene Dion music on occasion
8/Writing in diary.
At this point, I don’t really Re-charge! My husband works 60+ hours a week. We have an almost 1 yr old who has had some health issues – and is still nursing. We also have a 4 yr old and 6 yr old daughters – and I have been so overwhelmed by the past 2 years of events in our lives that I can’t think, let alone Recharge. Quiet Time? Yeah – when does that happen? Planning & goal setting? I can make all kinds of lists – but actually DOING them is my problem. I’m a Sanguine/Choleric – talk about Jekyll & Hyde!!! I have trouble creating & sticking with schedules & routines – but desperately want them to keep my sanity… So I don’t really recharge very often. Every time I start list-making or digging into a project that needs done – I am interrupted. I am parched, dry, running on empty. And I really look forward to getting some inspiration and help so i CAN recharge…
Cindy, this is hard for me to really say. Re-charging is a different thing in my life because of all of the stress a very little time in my life to re-charge. But here is a few things that do help me get ready for the next crash time.
1. Early morning time (4:30 am) with my husband
2. Early morning time with Jesus
3. Making note of the progress we have made over the past days, weeks, months, and years.
4. Finding time to be in the kitchen making goodies that I know my family likes.
5. Talking to my close friend.
6. Reading an encouraging book.
7. Working on websites
8. Listening to my family peacefully sleep at night.
9. Watching a wholesome movie while working out on the Gazelle
I know these probably sound odd but I have had to find a pick me up in little things because I never know when my hubby or son will be in a seizure. Even now with my health breaking because of stress, I marvel in the “little” things. God is my strength and helper in Him do I rely and am recharged daily!
Orilla Crider
I like to take a hot bubble bath and read a good book. I also like to go workout. It releases all the pent up stress and I leave more relaxed and energized at the same time!
1. Spend time in God’s Word and allowing Him to speak to me from It. Also talking to Him
about life.
2. Spend time with my husband planning in all areas I am struggling with.
3. Finishing a task or project.
4. Taking a trip with my family and doing something different.
5. Making it through a day of keeping to my schedule.
Carolyn Griggs
Well as I said last week my husband has taken a job 4 hours away 6 months ago. So right now since I am alone with the girls for 2 weeks at a time, I have had to get creative about recharging. I have started taking about 30 minutes when the girls are settling in each night to read my bible (I committed to read the bible in a year) and if there is time I read a chapter or 2 in one of the many books on my list. I also try to take a few minutes several times a day to just be alone, this usually means locking myself in the bathroom. I also exercise 5 times a week. Before my husband took this job (and probably once we are moved to be with him) he would send me out once or twice a month by myself in the evening to just have some time to recharge. I am looking forward to hear what others do.
Heather Wilson
Sometimes I just need to get away. I feel I am constantly going to drop off or pick up kids or grandmother, or run errands for the hubby, as well as work outside the home one 10 hour day a week. Most of my children are at the self-teaching stage, but there are always questions about something they don’t understand as well as the 2nd grader who I have to work closely with. I take a book and go to a coffee shop (and get hot tea of course 🙂 ) or a fast food place and just be by myself. My husband and I started last year to going to a homeschool convention that is 2 hours away just by ourselves. We use it as a mini honeymoon. During the day we focus on what we need to do/get for teaching our children and in the evening we focus on us, going out to a nice restaurant or just staying in. We liked it so much we’re going to do it again this year, much to our children’s disappointment!
Since I have an autisic son , it is hard for me to get away. Reading the bible is one of the ways that I recharge. Another way is texting or calling a fiend, especially when i am having a real tough day. just getting out and getting a little exercise is probably the best way to recharge myself.
Jackie Lechtenberg
Besides spiritually recharging, I also like some physical recharging in the form of bubble bath with lilac rose scent. When the weather is nicer we also like to go up to the hot springs and soak in there. My son stays in the kid side and mom and I go in the grown folks side.
I also like to take reading material and go park at the nature center and sit out there to read (with or without music playing in the background). If you’re going to do your Bible reading or other reading anyway, doing it in pretty environment makes it extra nice. Now that the days are getting longer, it is very sunny, but still cold, this is a way to enjoy the sun but stay warm.
Writing my ‘never-ending’ story and listening and singing along with music also help me relax and recharge. Dancing was also one of my faves to recharge, but with my health problems I don’t have the stamina to do much anymore.