Hello Sweet Friends!
How was your weekend? Mine was so sweet. I had all of my children home to visit. It was so nice to have everyone around for Mother’s Day. Such a blessing!
I can hardly believe that NEXT Mother’s Day I will be SEEING my first GRAND-baby with us. Yes–he is growing sooo fast now. Whitney is looking absolutely adorable. We are on the countdown now to August 27th. Such a precious time! 🙂
Well, I thought that I would just drop you a quick note to let you guys know that this week will be a pretty quiet week. I am editing all of the UHSE 2010 audios and getting them online for all of you. Also, I am adding tons of freebies to the membership site. We will take off from all recording this week and pick back up strong next week. Make plans to join us for our Tuesday, Talk-a-Latte Chat at 1PM CT on May 18. More details nexst week.
Want some awesome goodies until then? Well, don’t miss our UHSE 2010 set. It is the very best ever! If you haven’t grabbed access to our replays, don’t miss these! Here is the link to learn more:
For those of you who are subscribed to our ezines, I have to tell you that you are going to love what God put on my heart! I am going to be revamping my ezines completely. So, hold tight for big news and total changes. I promise you will LOVE it!
Well, until then, big hugs! Have a super week!
With much love,
See Me Online!
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