Are you organizationally challenged? Have you skipped looking at these blog posts because you have tried and tried sooooo many times to get organized and just failed? Do you get started, yet always drift toward clutter and messies?
Sweet friends, getting organized is tough. Does that make you feel better? It IS tough. Becoming organized is like starting a new diet. You have ups and downs, failures and successes. Most people admit that becoming organized is hard. Beginning anything new is hard.
Do you remember your first day of kindergarten? Or, do you remember the first time you began learning something new? The first thing that pops into my mind is when I first tried to design a web page. The “language” looked so foreign. It looked soooo foreign. Talk about hard. As time went on, I was good when I got going, but it always took a bit to get back in the swing of things. Relate?
Had something tough to learn, yet you plunged through it and it became easier, each and everyday. The same is true with organization. The more you do it, the easier it gets and the more you’ll want to continue.
So, the first reason so many people fail at becoming organized is because they quit too soon. If this is your hindrance, decide now to keep on, keepingo n. Dig in. Keep plodding through. It is SO worth it! Know that if you will keep on bit-by-bit, you will get there. Remember that cute saying, “Inch-by-inch it’s a cynch?” Just dig in and inch-by-inch, bit-by-bit, you will get there.
Another hindrance is commitment. The majority of people who are not organized have a problem with commitment. Like in a relationship, once an obstacle appears or the other person desires to take the relationship further, the other person backs off and makes a dash for the first exit. The same occurrence happens with organization. You hit a snag with your first task. Maybe you don’t have enough folders or storage space is an issue or a typical problem is there isn’t enough money to become organized. Once that happens, the commitment to becoming organized is gone.
Watch out here! Don’t let those little things keep you from the joy of getting organized. It is SO worth it. Stay creative. If you find something along those lines that seems to be a hindrance to getting organized, either skip that task until you can get back to it (I write it on my list of things to do and add any supplies/equipment to my wish list) or find another way to organize it. I remember being frustrated because I kept finding supplies like pens, markers, pencils all around our house. My first reaction was that I could NEVER get organized (relate?). Then, I got creative. I actually pulled out some of the cutest baskets (that were also cluttering up my closets) and put them to use as THE PLACE for my goodies. First, I saved money. Second, it was actually cuter than plastic organizers. 🙂 And, finally, I got it all organized! Just a little thing, but those are the thing that have caused me to blow it before. According to statistics, I am not alone. So, commit! Don’t let the little things keep you from getting organized. Stay creative!
Ready for another biggie?
People also believe that once organized, things will just stay that way. But the next week, things are already in disarray and the person just isn’t clear on what has happened. Has this one got you before?
Being organized means making lifestyle changes. This is difficult for most people because that means they just can’t come in the front door and throw their mail and keys and other documents onto the table by the door and just leave them there until later. It means instead of putting them there on the table, you hang your keys on the hook by the door, take the mail to a prepared inbox on the kitchen counter and go through the mail while dinner is cooking on the stove. It’s take time to get into a routine, but it’s like any other routine, it takes time and it takes making a change in your lifestyle.
One final reason that people fail to become organized is procrastination. It is so much easier to say ‘I’ll do that tomorrow’ and go on with your life for the day or the next week. If a person is going to become organized, they must stop procrastinating and begin today or otherwise, they will never get to it and ultimately fail.
So, let’s get personal here…
Have any of these common hindrances kept you from getting or staying organized? Why not dig in today with me? Let’s dig in step-by-step and get organized together. Deal? Watch over the next few weeks here at the blog. I am going to walk with you step-by-step through getting our homes completely organized. I won’t leave you out there by yourself. So, come back and let’s attack together. 🙂
See ya next time….
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