Hey Cindy,
I wrote you an email a while back but never heard a response from you. Maybe it just got lost in cyberspace, I dont’ know but I could really use your encouragement. I want desperately to homeschool my children and I feel it is something that God is calling me to do, however my husband doesn’t want me to do so. Anyway, I get your weekly emails and this morning I saw your Mommy Homework and would love to participate, because even though I’m not homeschooling (yet) I know ther is something I can learn from them. Can I participate? Also I wnat to start learning as much as I can from you and all the many moms in your group of followers b/c my oldest son is only 4 (he goes to preschool now) and my daughter is 18 months and the baby is 2 months so I have time still for Greg (my husband) to get on board with the homeschooling. What do you thinK? And let me know how to participate in the Mommy Homework and how that works. Thanks, Alyssa
Hey sweet friend!
I am so sorry. I don’t have anything from you. INTERNET!!! I am so glad you wrote again.
This is a very, very tough question. Guess that is why you are asking, huh? Ha! I don’t mind us figuring out together what to do. It is hard on my end to know what to say because I don’t know what he is thinking. Sooooo…first thing…
What are his concerns about Homeschooling? Has he voiced any?
I ask this because it totally depends upon his concerns. For example, if he is concerned about socialization, it would be great to link up with a family who has been Homeschooling and their kids are well-rounded. This was a priority for US. It was a BIG concern that I had. It was my biggest concern at the time. So, it was my personal hindrance. I had no doubt that however my children were taught, they would be academically bright and successful. However, I did not want for my children to be smart, yet unable to function. Kids brought up without a balanced education are often unable to function. So, that was MY concern. It helped SO MUCH to spend time with real Homeschooling families who were intentional about providing their children with opportunities to get to know and minister to people from all walks of life. My son said that this is the biggest testimony of our family—he said that Elisabeth is a poster child for the socialized Homeschool child. Ha!
My husband’s original concern was whether Homeschooling would limit our children’s possibilities. He wanted to make sure that Homeschooling would not place limits upon our children. I could not see how Homeschooling could limit our children even though we began Homeschooling almost two decades ago. As we began researching, God was able to change Harold’s heart very fast. As we look back, Homeschooling has prepared our children perfectly for ANYTHING that they choose to do.
My mother-in-law was always concerned that it took a lot of organization and patience to Homeschool. Well, after finishing up, I can tell you that while you DO have to take time to plan and think, if you can set aside time to develop your philosophy and lifestyle of education, you will do great! It is NOT SCHOOL. Homeschooling is a LIFE. If you will LIVE IT, you will have remarkable results.
Soooooo…. What are his concerns?
I feel for our husbands. Guys are given the responsibility to make sure that their family is on track, so that at the end they have done all God has called them to do. I get overwhelmed by my responsibilities, but when I look at Harold’s, I tremble. He is responsible before God for even ME. That is scary.
I think that often we forget the tremendous weight that is upon our husbands. Think about that today.
When I read this, I think of how blessed you are–your husband is a steady anchor in your life. What a blessing! Respect that. Come alongside of him as his helper. If you feel that God is calling you in this direction, share with him your heart. It will give him food for thought. Don’t get emotional if it takes him time to decide—that is the tough part. Wait patiently. Have a spirit of submission and complete surrender to his choices.
Your husband sounds like he wants the very best for your family. Goodness, look at his choice IN YOU! YOU are amazing. That shows his high standard for the very, very best.
There are days that I look back over my life and my Homeschool journey. I just tremble thinking about the heaviness of the responsibility that I had. If I had only known, I would have been SO CHICKEN! Ha! It is scary. Sounds like your husband just wants to be sure that he does the right thing. He will. I am certain!
So, what do you do?
Give it all to God. Faithfully teach TODAY. Don’t put it off until you are “HOMESCHOOLING” officially. Instead, be a mommy now. Mommies teach naturally. Enjoy teaching them all along the way. Let your sweetheart see your priority for the kids and their education. Read TONS of books to them. Let your little ones keep notebooks of their goodies. One fun thing to try is an Alphabet Notebook. They can cut/paste/draw. Just set it up like a regular school notebook (I have some articles on my website and some audios that may help you—look at my MTM Radio Show archives). Let him see how much they can learn. Let him make that final decision. I have a funny feeling that he will make the right choice!
Do remember that we are ALL Homeschooling. We are all called to teach our little ones. Snag every minute that you have. Teach them all along the way. Enjoy every moment with them. Live intentionally. Then, you will live a life without regrets!
DEFINITELY jump into our Mommy Homework. You will LOVE IT!
Our Mommy Homework is not just for Homeschool moms. My purpose is to help moms and families to get back to God’s design for the godly home and family. Homeschooling is part of how we got back to God’s design as a family, but so is our commitment to a passionate, forever marriage, family business, family ministry, on and on.
We have a HUGE variety of backgrounds represented through our ministry. Even now, I am not Homeschooling anymore—my kids have graduated. My “identity” has shifted just this year into being an ARMY MOM (GO ARMY!!!). I am anticipating Matthew and Jill’s marriage. THEN, I will look forward to being a GRAMMY.
There are many, many of our subscribers who have been supporters of our ministry for the entire time I have had a public ministry. Many of those have never homeschooled and many who have homeschooled are now entering this new season of motherhood AFTER HOMESCHOOLING. There are many of our mommy pals who have found me through publishing and family business interests. There are others who have found us through my marriage/romance seminars. Our Mommy Homework is purposefully set up so that EVERYONE can participate. Jump in. Your answers may help another mom with preschoolers or another writer. I think you will LOVE being a part of our Mommy Homework. I DEFINITELY look forward to reading your posts!
How do you do it? Here is how:
Go to my blog to our Mommy Homework. You can find it on the front page (just scroll down) or here is the direct link: http://www.cindysdesktop.com/?cat=36
Be sure that you are registered with my site and logged in to reply to each assignment. To do that, here is how:
All you have to do is scroll to the bottom of our page. Look for the link that says LOG IN. Click that link. If you have registered, enter your name and password. If you haven’t, click REGISTER. Be sure to use your FULL NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS so we can properly credit you with your Mommy Homework. You can choose your own password. Be sure to use one that you can remember easily. Just in case you have a problem with adding your Mommy Homework, be sure that you are logged in at the time that you submit your work.
If you want all of the details about how Mommy Homework works, just go to my blog: http://www.CindysDesktop.com. On the file menu at the top, look for ABOUT US, then MOMMY HOMEWORK. It has all of the details about what it is and how it works.
Hope this helps!
See ya online!
We all have seasons in our life. It may be possible that God is preparing you to prepare to teach your children at home, until your husband is ready for your children to be homeschooled. This may be next year it may be 5 years from now. If your children do go to public school, get involved, look for notebooking and lapbooking ideas to go along with what they are doing at school to do at home as homework helps. Get to know your children, learn their learning styles, it may be that you just re-inforce what they learn at public school so they are not just regurgitating what they “learn” there. Keep good literature books at home for them to read (or go to the Library) that compliment what they are doing at school. Look for creation science books so they can learn creation at home if they are learning evolution at school. My 2nd son let his 2nd grade teacher know real quick he WAS NOT an animal. My older 2 started out in public school and they are normal. Like Cindy said, just give it all to the Lord, let Him speak to your husband. The more we as wives try to tell our husbands how God wants them to run the family, the more they resist not only us but God. That is a very hard lesson I have had to learn, bitting my toungue, I tell people I could wear about 15 tongue rings…. God basically told me one day to shut up, I was encouraging my husband to run farther from Him, enough was enough. Please don’t follow in my footsteps, give it to God, ask Him what you can do each day to enrich your children’s education and bless your husband…
Valerie Neal