Did you have a strong start for your week today?
Oh! I kinda feel like I have been juggling–in a SUPER way, of course!
Today, I got TONS done:
–> Worked on the NEW Talk-a-Latte Mommy Club set–Don’t miss it! The topic this month is GET UNSTUCK. I must say–“WOW!!” Ever do something that you just LOVE? This set is going to be one of my all-time favorites. And, you can subscribe today to our Mommy Club and get this set when it is posted. Plus! You can enjoy our current set immediately. Oh! You will LOVE the current set. It is DON’T TAKE THE BAIT! (A study on OFFENSE). Learn more at: http://talk-a-latte.com/e-store/mommy-club/
–> Got ready for tomorrow’s Mom-to-Mom Radio Show. Oh! You will LOVE IT! I am welcoming my new friend, Jillian Kent, to the show. She is the author of one of my recent reads–Secrets of the Heart. She and I are planning to talk about the book, grieving losses, forgiving, letting go of offense, and soooo much more! Plus! Someone who joins us live will be receiving a complimentary subscription to our Talk-a-Latte Mommy Club! And, yes, this show will be live tomorrow. Here are the details:
DATE: Tuesday, June 28, 2011
WHERE: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mom-to-mom-radio-show/2011/06/28/mom-to-mom-book-nook-meet-jillian-kent
CALL IN: (347) 215-7321
–> Had an amazing lunch with Elisabeth. I just LOVE our girl-time! She just fills my cup to overflowing!
–> Got ready for our all-day seminar this Thursday (WRITE FOR THE GLORY OF GOD). Oh! I am REALLY buzzing about this one. If you have that dream to write, don’t miss this seminar! Not only will I share lots of practical tips, but I am also excited about some of the things that God has given me during my quiet times and recent church sermons. Oh! It is going to be GOOD. PLUS! You can join us live completely FREE or you can grab the replays (with my jam-packed Membership Site) to enjoy ANYTIME! Just learn more here:
–> Worked a little on my upcoming weekend retreat. This is one that you will want to add to your calendar TODAY. I am planning to record part of our Mommy Club sessions LIVE this month. My Topic for July is going to be TRASH, TRINKETS, OR TREASURES???? This series has just moved my heart in a mighty way. It started as a topic I taught for one workshop a few months back. Of course, I really could not dig in like I wanted. I taught another “version” of this topic for the UHSE this year. Again, I could not TOUCH the topic. Well, I am going to really give it a try this coming month as I dig in and dig in DEEP! Save July 8th and 9th for a fun LIVE retreat mom-to-mom. You guys, this is one that I PROMISE will rock your life! Best of all, you can join me completely free as we record live. Can you beat that? Yes, this will be available for Mommy Club members in July. And, we will probably offer a special sale on the set in case you just want to grab it. More info ASAP!
Did I say that I was juggling today? hehe!
Plan to pop in on some of the things that I have going on. We are going to have tons of fun and lots of fun surprises all along the way. See ya there!
Have a fantastic week!
With Much Love,
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