Happy 4th of July!
How has your long-weekend been? Oh! Mine was such a blast! And, it is the perfect kick-off for a really fun week ahead. Why not plan to join me for some mom-time? Here is what I have going on this week….
- Mom-to-Mom Radio Show
- Time for Talk-a-Latte Mommy Club!
- Write for God’s Glory
You will love it. Well, how about more details? Here we go:
Tuesday Morning–Mom-to-Mom Radio Show is recording live!
Ready for another session in our online study through “Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman?”
This week Cindy will continue in our study through Proverbs 31. She will dig into ways that we are a blessing to our husbands and families as we step up to the call to become a godly woman. Don’t miss this one! It is going to be a super study!
Join Us Online to Chat Each Week:
Call-in Number: (347) 215-7321
Can’t Join Us LIVE? Go ahead and send your questions, feedback, ideas, tips, or testimonials by email or VoiceMail by phone: (256) 273-9576. We will include them in the next show!
Replays available after the show at: http://www.MomtoMomRadioShow.com
Time for Talk-a-Latte Mommy Club!
Oh! I am BEYOND excited about this month’s new set! AND, this is the week that it will be available. If there is one month that you should simply join for the topic of the month, it is THIS MONTH! This month, our topic is GET UNSTUCK.
Like it? Oh! I think you are going to LOVE this one!
I know–it is JULY! Have you long ago forgot about those resolutions? Yes, I KNOW it is is JULY! Are you making this year your very best ever? OR, are you stuck? It is time….
To step up to your call
To build that passionate, forever, happier-and-happier-ever-after marriage.
To minister to the hearts of your children
To begin that business or ministry
To get fit and healthy
Want to move toward your resolutions, goals, and dreams? Ready to get, unstuck, back on track, and moving forward? Don’t miss this set!
AND, subscribe today to receive the current set, which is also a keeper. It is DON’T TAKE THE BAIT! (A study about offense). Learn more here:
Ready to Write for the Glory of God?
It is NOT too late!
We had a blast during our live seminar last Thursday. I am editing the audios this week. I *hope* to have everything online by the weekend. It is one of my most favorite sets ever. AND, we have a super coupon code that will give you half off this week– use the coupon code: GLORY. DO REMEMBER: The coupon DOES expire on July 10, 2011, so be sure to make purchases before that deadline.
ALSO–Save the date!
We decided to move the last two sessions to another date so we would have time to dig into the questions for those who joined me live Thursday. I am SO glad that we did. First, I loved getting to know all of you even better. I also loved that we got to really APPLY the lessons from the seminar directly to YOU and YOUR life. AND, I am so excited about planning another full afternoon to wrap up those sessions AND dig into any other questions that you guys want to send my way.
DATE: Monday, July 18, 2011
TIME: 1PM CT until we wrap up!
I love this! Some of you told me that this seminar reminded you of a mix between my group coaching and a personal retreat. I love it! It was a super time of digging deep and letting God loose in our midst. Thanks for giving me that liberty. Let’s do it again July 18!
Want details on how to join me OR grab the set? Sure! Learn more here:
50% OFF COUPON CODE: GLORY (use by July 10, 2011)
Is this a big week or what?
I pray that your week is super! Hope to see ya online!
With much love,
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